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Everything returned to normal after that night. I rushed to school on Monday morning since I wanted to check up on Phun and see how he was dealing with his heartbreak. But then I saw him in front of the student council office. He was standing there with a big smile on his face. It was as if he is completely normal again. I was too overly concerned about him more than I needed to be.

So, we went back to leading our normal lives. Both Phun and I had plenty of projects that we needed to handle. One of those projects was the Christmas Fair and it drove me nearly insane. That dying amplifier finally took its last breath on the day of the fair (talk about perfect timing). Om and I ended up hailing a cab, went to Dr. Whaen’s house and carried that amplifier back to the school. (It was freaking heavy, we were soaked in our own sweat by the time we got back.) Phun had been keeping himself busy too since some of the underclassmen got into a fist fight (seriously, guys?). He was the one who broke up the fight, dragged them to the hospital wing, then dragged them to the administration office so they can write up letters for their parents and he even had to wait for those kids while there were being lectured. All of that took over half a day. What a hassle that was for him. Luckily, we finally had some free time and got a chance to enjoy the fair (which was closing soon) together. ^___^

The Angels Gang were hilarious. They decided to run a dunk tanks booth. Phun and I were throwing balls at the targets for a long while. (A bunch of them fell into the water. It was so satisfying too. That’s what you get for always grabbing my ass!) But then those angels dragged us up there instead. They tied me to the target and I became the victim. (Yo! You could’ve at least asked if I wanted to do this or not!) I swear that I tried to get away but they refused to listen. What the hell kind of sissy boys were they?! How come they were so strong? (It was so scary. Like, if they wanted to force themselves on me, I’d totally lose.) As for Phun, he didn’t really mind. He was laughing and allowed those guys to drag him up there too. Not long after, Earn’s sturdy figure can be seen tied to another target.

The fair got even more fun after that. Everyone rushed over to this area and played the games. (I’ll get you all next time.) The guys who were harassed by the student council, be it being forced to write letters after breaking a rule or pressured into giving donations, all lined up at Phun’s tank as far as the eyes could see. (They probably preferred Fi but he was nowhere to be found. I guess he knew he was in trouble.) Then the underclassmen who worked on the bleachers in Earn’s cheer team came to get revenge on the president of the cheer team. As for me? That asshole Om brought a bunch of the music club members over to my tank. What a bastard!

All in all, it was a lot of fun. I was so soaking wet that I ended up buying a new gym shirt to wear. I was right for telling Yuri not to come because I knew I wouldn’t have the time to look after her. And it turned out just as I had thought, I was incredibly busy that day. It was fortunate that Yuri didn’t show up.

If you were going to ask me about Phun and Aim, I’ll have to be honest and say that I still don’t know what they talked about in the condo that night. However, I do know that she is dating someone else now (that was freaking fast) and he goes to the same school institute as mine but he’s attending a different school. I don’t know him personally or anything though. I ran into Aim and that guy linking arms at Siam a couple of times. And look, I’m not saying this because I’m taking Phun’s side or anything but I think my friend is much better looking. (Haha.) At first, Yuri kept complaining to me from night until morning about how Phun broke her friend’s heart. I never argued with her since I didn’t know what to say. In the end, she saw that Aim is dating someone new in the blink of an eye so she stopped bringing them up. I guess she was starting to get what was going on somewhat.

Phun didn’t seem as hurt as when then they first broke up. He has been ‘trying’ to act normal. I said ‘trying’ because even when he was smiling or laughing, there were still moments where he sneaked off and sat all by himself while looking melancholy. At times, he was down and lost in his own thoughts. He didn’t know what was going on around him. But he was very determined though. A week later, I heard his roaring laughter and he was acting obnoxious like he was before. Those odd behaviors have since disappeared.

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