Chapter 3

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Kelley's POV

Alex and I rode down the beach. I made sure to be responsible I had Ellyn on a lead that I was keeping ahold of incase something went wrong.

"Alex" I say.

"Yes Kelley" he asks me in response to my question.

"Her name was Caroline Found. My best friend and teammate. She died in a tragic accident not long ago. Ernie the man you met today, he was her father. She was his light through every storm." I start as I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"Hey hey, we don't have to talk about it right now. Wanna go to the gym after getting back to the school?" Alex asks.

"Sure" I reply as we turn for the school.


Alex and I dismount from the horses and start to groom them.

"Hey" Hayley says entering the barn as bear spooks. And kicks at his stall door.

"Bear calm" I try as he breaks through the door and starts running off.

"Tell Louis one got loose" I say as I grab a lunge line, halter and some sugar cubes.

"Where are you going" Alex asks grabbing hold of my wrist.

"I have to go catch him. There's more to his story than you know, and that I don't think you'd believe if I'd tell ya" I say mounting Caroline bareback but with a bridle.

"Just be safe" Alex says worry in his eyes.

"Always" I say leaving the barn as Hayley and Alex run to the school to warn Louis of the situation.


"Easy Bear" I say when I've finally found him.

"Your a good boy aren't you" I ask trying to inch my way over to him as he runs for the beach full of students.

"God damn it" I yell as I quickly mount Caroline and go after him.

I use the lunge line to make a lasso.

I twirl it and throw it and get it around Bears neck. The only problem. His strength.

"Bear please I'm begging you calm down." I plead with the horse as we are still on the move.

"Bear stop. Please stop" I yell as I'm pulled off of Caroline and onto the sandy ground beneath me.

I'm struggling to breathe.

"Hey you alright" someone says walking over to me.

"She's not ok get the nurse" another student says.

"Alex" I manage to get out.

"Hey guys. Someone get Alex" the boy who found me says.

"I'm Leo Captain of the Ravens" He says

"Kel..ley" I struggle to say.

"What you did right there was crazy brave" he says "pretty stupid too"

"Kelley" Alex yells rushing over to me.

"Alex" I say as Louis runs over to us.

"She was trying to keep everyone safe and this is what happened"Alex says to Louis.

"Alex I need you to back up so we can help her" Louis says.

"Alex listen to my dad please" Brooke demands.

An ambulance rolls up and paramedics rush over to me.

"She probably has a broken rib" one says.

"Alex come with me please" I plead.

"Go" Louis says.

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