Chapter 6

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Kelley's POV

Alex is laying behind me while I sit between his legs watching the movie but I'm really off in space.

I think of Line.

I think of how much I miss her.

The two little girls, her in the pink dress and I in the blue-green one before we lie down in the mud making mud angles.

I miss those days.

And the thing I think bout most is how Line would have liked the Greenhouse and Alex Woods.

"What's on your mind" Alex whispers in my ear.

"Nothing important" I respond.

The next day I wake up and head to get breakfast.

"The Greenhouse has a game against the Wolves of Norther Academy today at noon girls be ready" the volleyball coach says before coming over to me.

"You're our setter" she says handing me a jersey in grey and yellow with the number 9.

"Live Like Line" I whisper.

"We also have a surprise for you" Louis says "you'll find out about it later however"

"We also have a surprise for you" Louis says "you'll find out about it later however"

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 "Number 12, Wanda Fredrick, number 19, Maddie Weara, Number 17, Tara Livings, Number 9, Kelley Fliehler, Number 3, Kathy Willis, Number 8, Tammy Norris, Number 15, Westlyn Smith, Number 22, Cammila Brooks, Number 28, Brooke Osmund, Number 14, Sop...

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"Number 12, Wanda Fredrick, number 19, Maddie Weara, Number 17, Tara Livings, Number 9, Kelley Fliehler, Number 3, Kathy Willis, Number 8, Tammy Norris, Number 15, Westlyn Smith, Number 22, Cammila Brooks, Number 28, Brooke Osmund, Number 14, Sophie Cardona, Number 21, Lindsey Hill." The announcer announces at the game. I'm the audience I spot Alex clapping and cheering when my name is called.

"Go Kelley" I hear a familiar voice cheer. It was Mack. And that's when I realize my old team came to watch our game.

"Captains" the ref asks.

"Kelley that's you" our coach says as I go over to the ref.

"Greenhouse it's your call" she says.

"Heads" I state with a confident voice.

She tosses the coin in the air and it comes down. "Heads, would you like side serve or receive?"

"Serve" I reply as we head our separate ways.


"Zone 3" our coach yells as I am up to serve. When the ball goes over the net it is bumped then set before being blocked when spiked at us giving us the point we needed to win the first set.

We end up winning the game and my old teammates come rushing down from the bleachers with their signs and everything.

"You did great today" Taylor says embracing me in a hug.

"We are on break and Louis is giving us admission to the Greenhouse for a school year, what do you think?" Lizzy asks.

"Come meet the eagles" I say.

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