Chapter 4

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Alex's POV

She lie there peacefully in her hospital bed. A pale tone to her face.  Almost white as a ghost.

"What happened" Kelley asks.

"Bear got loose. What's his story anyway?" I ask.

"Was in a barn fire, I adopted him and am trying to show him it's ok but he acts out" Kelley says.

"Hey" Hayley says walking into the room.

"Hey sis what ya doing here" I ask.

"I'm sorry for spooking your horse" Hayley says.

"It was bound to happen. I should have left him in Iowa with Ernie and Alex to take care of while I'm here but of course I didn't think smart enough" Kelley says.


When Kelley was finally released from the hospital it was like five days after the accident.


Kelly's POV

I walked into the school and there was an awkward silence. I head to the Eagles clubhouse and enter heading for the dorm.

"The horse whisperer is back in the house" Alex yells as he jumps down beside me on my bed.

"Could you be any louder" I joke punching him in the arm.

"Our hero" Parker jokes sitting down on his bed.

"You guys are ridiculous" I say as I get a text from Alex back in Iowa.

Alex:I heard what happened are you ok.

Kelley: just have a bruised rib. Really miss you. Tell Ernie I say Hi.

Alex: gotta go or something?

Kelley: hanging out with my team.

"What's up" Daniel says as I look up from my phone.

"Nothing much" I reply.

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