Chapter 8

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Kelley's POV

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Kelley's POV

And that's when she walks in.

"Olivia" I wimpier tears welling up in my eyes


"What are you doing here?" I ask embracing her in a hug.

"Got sent home from Bagram not to long ago, Casey and I were in a humvee that hit an IED, I ruptured my ear drum and I got shot." Olivia says standing before me in her military dress blues.

Well in the army's case it's green.

"I'm so glad you're ok, oh sorry Liv meet my boyfriend Alex" I say introducing them to one another.

"It's nice to meet you Alex" she says shaking his hand.

"Like wise, thank you for your service, and I'm sorry for what happened to you" Alex says.

"How is Casey doing ? Where is Casey?" I ask wondering about her.

"She's in the room Louis set me up with I have a job here now as security for a bit" She replies.

"That's great to hear Liv." I say.

"Go enjoy the dance with your man" Liv says as Alex and I hit the dance floor.


The dance gets over and I go to the clubhouse and change out of my dress and into some other clothes.

I head out of the Eagles clubhouse and walk to my sisters room where I knock and await an answer to the door.

"Hey" Olivia states opening the door all the way.

"Can I watch Casey tonight?" I ask.

"Casey come" Liv says grabbing a leash from the coat rack beside the door.

"Love you Liv" I say walking to the Eagles clubhouse with Casey.

"Who might this be" Sophie says crouching down in front of me while petting Casey.

"Her names Casey" Olivia states entering the Eagles clubhouse.

"Mom wants me to give you this" Liv says handing me a small blue box.

"No" I say as I open the box and locket inside to find a photo of line at our last game together. The game where we lost to City High.

I run out of the clubhouse and down the corridor to  the hall leading to the front entrance, while there are tears rushing down my face.

I'm running and I go to the barn and put a bridle on Bear and as I'm leaving I see blurs of color.

Olivia's POV

"Is she crazy!" Sophie yells as I enter the woods in the distance.

"And it's night time" Brooke adds.

"I think our biggest problem is her choice of horse!" Alex states.

"Guys go inside and tell Louis I'm going after her. And stay inside" Olivia yells.

"I'll help you. I know my way around the grounds in and out I was born in this state and pretty much spent my whole life on these grounds." Brooke offers.

"I'm going too. She's my girlfriend. I have to make sure she's ok." Alex states.

"Fine but the rest of you inside. NOW!" Olivia yells tacking up a horse.

"You get this one Brooke, her name's Ellyn, I'll ride Caroline." Alex says helping tack up the horses.

"I didn't know she'd get upset, let alone what mom sent. Damn it." I yell. I finish tacking up a horse. "Ready?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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