Additional Story Details/Character Bio 2

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   Story Details: Quick Update, if it's not obvious from the last chapter the main romantic interest for the reader is going to be the Sweet Commander Smoothie, she's not developed to much in the manga so I will try to keep her as close to how she acts but also just like how you the reader is going to change throughout the story so will Smoothie. The way I have the story outline and wrote down in my notes the reader will actually be a pirate starting at Chapter 7, so in advance i'm sorry for the slow burn but this is going to be a long a story and the current volume does takes place years prior to when Luffy actually starts his pirate Journey, so expect the Straw Hat pirates to show up much further down the line, but with that being said just to give readers a tease to what I do have planned and hopefully keep everyone interested F/n sets sail as a pirate the same time Ace leaves foosha village, and the two will clash and form a rivalry (I think the idea of a pirate associated with Big Mom and White Beard as well as representing the next generation of pirates can lead to a nice rivalry). Lastly going forward i'll have some chapters labeled as Ex those will mostly be laid back chapters and will concentrate more on building the relationship between the characters, recruiting a new member to the crew, taking place between chapter and time skips. That's pretty much it for now Thanks for Reading. :)

F/n L/n (Bio Part 1)

Age: Chapter 2 (5 years old) Chapter 3 (13 years old) End of Chapter 6 (14 years old)

Ex 1 (16 years old) Chapter 7 (21 years old)

Weapon/Combat: F/n compared to other fighters is terrible at basic hand to hand combat and prefers to stick to long rang, sniping and killing enemies from far away. For F/n if it can be thrown it's a weapon and he will use that to his advantage to catch his opponents off guard.  When using his arrows he switches between three types a basic metal arrow (mainly used if he's not to worried about if the person he fights dies or not), smaller metal arrow coated in a yellow liquid on the arrow head (a non lethal poison he developed that's used to just knock out his opponents), finally the last set he uses is the same as the second but coated in a green liquid (a lethal poison he developed, when it hits it paralyze the opponent within 10 minutes, burning the nerves as it makes it's way through the body causing an increase in heart rate until the heart clots and "explodes", usually during that time the person turns purple from lack of oxygen, can be cured if F/n gives them an antidote within the first 10 minutes). While working as an assassin under Germa and gathering Intel at a Marine base he trained in the ability to use Soru after watching and studying a Vice admiral use it, which he generally uses to travel from point a to point b faster then the average human can see. F/n developed a black cloak using the notes Judge stole from his mother, a proto raid suit that protects him from basic bullets and sword attacks can easily be pierced by more skilled opponents.

Personality: Will not hesitate when it comes to killing his opponents or if someone pisses him off, but tries not to if there is no need to kill them. Only cares about a few people in his life those being his little brother Sanji and sister Reiju (regrets not making up with her before leaving and being unable to save Sanji) followed by Smoothie (loved her the moment he saw her but we'll go into more detail in the upcoming chapters), Pudding, and Sora (Trying to live his life to her standard by not being a tool only good for killing and actually a human that can show emotion to those he cares about). Tends to be a pervert according to F/n it's to make Smoothie jealous but in reality he's just a pervert and is scared to death when Smoothie finds out he was flirting with another woman or being a pervert.

Hobby: Uses his free time to take apart and improve his weapons and researching ways to make them more deadly. Tends to create new poison but forgets to label them leading to unfortunate accidents. Is currently working on a way to improve the proto suit using the notes his mother left behind. 

(No longer wears the Skull Mask as a way to distance himself from the Assassin of the Vinsmokes)

(No longer wears the Skull Mask as a way to distance himself from the Assassin of the Vinsmokes)

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Charlotte Smoothie: Chapter 5 (22 years old) End of Chapter 6 (23 years old) Ex 1 (25 years old) Chapter 7 (30 years old)

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Charlotte Smoothie: Chapter 5 (22 years old) End of Chapter 6 (23 years old) Ex 1 (25 years old) Chapter 7 (30 years old)

 Tends to approach things with a carefree attitude, and will help her siblings and crew if asked but won't fully invest her self to any task. Even with her carefree attitude she will get very serious if the situation calls for it and find the most efficient way to deal with a problem. Has a cruel side such as squeezing the life out of her subordinates to drink the liquid produced from them using her devil fruit tending to treat them more as a source for liquid rather then people. Smoothie ate the shibo shibo no mi devil fruit making her a dehydration human, allowing her to extract liquid from living creature and inanimate objects, drinking too much of the liquid can cause her to grow in size. 

Relationship with F/n: for the first few years it's complicated the two are in love with each other (like F/n she fell in love with him the moment she first saw him) but she tends to ignore his affection due to him still being a teen when they first meet, but even during those early years if she sees him flirting with another woman or being a pervert she will beat the crap out of him. As adults the two are madly in love with each other. For F/n and Smoothie if one is hurt and the opponent gets away the other will track that person through the Grand line and kill them. Lastly for Smoothie in the early chapters before F/n is a pirate she doesn't wear the large yellow scarf, have the rose tattoo, or wear a beret, she also towers F/n in size XD. 

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