Chapter 11: A New Adventure

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                                                                 (four days later)

  Rowing the small boat F/n pointed the oar at his female companion whose expression was currently annoyed and on the verge of exploding.

F/n: Like I told you we aren't lost, to be lost you need to be going somewhere our current destination is wherever this boat take us.

Boudica: And like I told you that's not how being lost works if you don't know where you are going and just let the boat guide you it doesn't make you any less lost in fact I would say we are more lost because we could be sailing in the direction of nothing.

F/n: Fine! Let me think about it and i'll get back to you on where we should head to next.

Ebisu was reading a newspaper that landed on the small ship in the early hours of the morning ignoring the two who had been arguing the past few hours.

Boudica: By the way F/n isn't it about time you explain how your devil fruit works, going forward Ebisu and I should know if we are going to be the ones protecting you.

Rowing harder F/n smugly looked at her with a gleam in his eye.

F/n: I thought you would never ask I've been waiting to brag about it for the past few days.

Ebisu glance up from the newspaper to show his captain that he was listening before returning his eyes back to the paper flipping it to the next page.

F/n: My devil fruit is a real powerful and yet complicated one, I ate a logia devil fruit the plasma-plasma fruit so I guess you could say I'm a plasma-man and with that like most logia users my body can turn to and manipulate the element, from creating it, to changing the state of the ionized gas.

Boudica: so basically somehow the plasma devil fruit allows you the ability to use fire and electricity?

F/n: close enough, in simple terms it took a lot of reading after discovering my ability but plasma is present in things like lightning, st elmo fire, and ball lightning and even extremely hot flames and that's just on this planet.

F/n stopped rowing for a second and pointed at the sun before returning to rowing the boat at the same steady pace, noting that Boudica was nodding her head at his words every few seconds.

F/n: In space plasma tends to be the most common form of ordinary matter which can be found in stuff like the stars and the sun. So the more I study and learn about plasma the more I can use my fruit to it's fullest ability from producing burning hot plasma, to heat absorbing plasma which would freeze, plasma solidification and so on but at the same time the more I use it and the more I switch between how I use it the more energy it takes from me leaving me exhausted and if like the fight between the Marines back on Sabaody if I haven't slept in days it's only a matter of time until it leaves me passed out. So for now until I get better control of it don't expect me to constantly switch between how I use it unless we need it in a last resort situation i'll stick with the basics as well as using the lightning.

Boudica: I see that's why you need to be around people you trust if you want to use the full extent of your devil fruit, if you push yourself to far and pass out you need someone that can take your body away from any danger that may harm you.  Very well understood in that case i'll make sure to never leave your side so don't hesitate to go all out around me.

F/n: I'll be counting on the two of you for now, but at the same time don't expect me to be able to protect you during battle it still takes effort to control and keep my devil fruit from running wild so watch yourself I wouldn't want to electrocute or burn you two.

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