Leviathan Crew

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  So with the crew being formed i'll just quickly add what the two crew-mates look like for anyone curious. Also Boudica and a few others who will appear later in the story are from different series. I'll add details for them later once the crew is completely formed. Side note after Chapter 11 i'm planning and writing two ex chapters mainly to give a quick look into the past of the current two crew members so while reading it just keep in mind that both of them are telling their past to F/N and F/n already told his past to them between those chapters. 

Boudica (Age: Refuses to tell anyone) (Original series Fate Grand order)

Details to come at a later chapter

Details to come at a later chapter

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Ebisu (Age: 30)

Details to come at a later chapter

Details to come at a later chapter

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   (Pic Source: https://www.picswe.com/pics/artstation-shark-dd.html)

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