Chapter 12

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I walk into the house still so angry. I walk past my mum and dad who are sitting on the couch. I walk past my little sister dancing around in her bedroom. I walk straight into Mitch's room. He is sitting at his desk with his back to me. I spin the chair around and punch him right in the face.

"You ever go near her again, talk to her again or even think of her ever again I will make your life a living hell" Mitch sits there looking at me with his hand on his cheek and an angry look on his face.

I walk out leaving a bewildered Mitch behind me.



Who the hell did he think he was coming in here telling me I couldn’t speak to my best friend? I had known her for longer than him. I was the one she would turn to for the last 15 years and now he has walked in and taken the girl I loved away from me. I don’t think so. My plan was already in motion, now for stage 2.



'Matt baby I’m worried you will do something you will later regret. I don’t feel that way about him. Please be rational. Come back over here so we can talk about it? Sum x x'

I sit on my bed buried under all my blankets hoping hiding will make this mess disappear. So far it’s not working.


Authors note: OK guys so it has been like a year since I last updated this story. I really love writing it again so hopefully you’re enjoying it as well. This is a super short chapter to kick things off again. Please VOTE and COMMENT what you think of all of the characters :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2012 ⏰

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