Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

“Matt,” I asked my eyes focusing as the water began running down my checks. But it wasn’t just water, they were tears.

Matt didn’t say anything as he stepped forward and raised my chin so he could look me in the eye. “Hey Sum, what’s up?” he asked in a soothing tone.

I couldn’t deal with this right now. I just needed to be told what to do. I didn’t want to think.

“Come on,” he said grabbing my hand. I followed, he lead. As we exited the bathroom the sounds of distant voices grow louder. As we approached Matt’s room I heard my name being called from a distance. Mitch. Perfect Mitch, the guy I have loved for years. He was concerned about me. He was looking for me. And what was I doing? Being comforted by his twin brother.

It was funny to think of them as twins. They are so different. I didn’t just mean that because they are un-identical twins. But they were so different. Mitch was so… Mitch, perfect. And Matt was… well Matt. He was so… immature. Then there were the physical features. Mitch was five foot nine with blond hair and blue eyes. He had been a great friend of mine for years; he was always there for me. He wasn’t exactly build but he didn’t have a bad body. Then there was Matt, he had always just been Mitch’s brother. He was so tall, six foot two to be exact. Green eyes were framed perfectly by his shaggy brown hair. Now Matt was built, he had about a bazillion pack.

Something snapped my attention back to the real world. Back to the boy standing infront of me. Where was I? Who was that?

Then my brain finally caught up to my eyes. Matt, in a room, his room. OMG I was in Matt’s room. Why was I in Matt’s room? God Summer calm down. Stop asking questions.

“Summer,” Matt asked in a questioning tone, “baby, are you okay?”

Did Matt just call me baby?

Matt was slowly guiding me towards his bed. I sat down and the instant relief on my feet was over whelming. I just sat there staring at the wall. Matt was sort of being… perfect, he wasn’t saying anything, just comforting me by rubbing my back in soothing round motions.

“Matt,” I whispered. “I’m sorry,” I said breaking down, tears rolling down my cheeks.

“Hey, Sum look at me,” I said as he grabbed my chin so I was now looking him in the eyes, “you have nothing to be sorry about,”

“But…” I began before he raised his finger to my lips instantly silencing me. He just looked at me. Now I looked into his eyes I realised how similar to Mitch’s they were.

Awww no… Mitch. Would he be worried about me? What was I going to say to him?

“Sum, can I ask you something?” Matt’s voice bought me back to the moment.

“Yeah” I said half-heartedly, not really knowing what he was going to say

“Are you busy on Saturday night?” a wide grin spreading across his face.

“Umm… I don’t think so,” I said a little confused

 “Do you want to hang out or something, like maybe go to the movies,” he finished a little nervously

 “Like on a date?” I asked a little bluntly

“Come on Sum, it’s not that hard to imagine is it?” he asked sounding a little hurt

“Matt, I didn’t mean it like that, I’m sorry, a movie sounds nice” I said reaching out to grab his hand. It felt warm… and… Awww… god… I was falling for him… I was falling for Matt!

He intertwined his fingers through mine. It felt… surprisingly not weird. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and leaned in…


Authors note: i am so sorry for how long it has taken for me to update... i have exams for the next few weeks at school... i will do my very best to get the next few chapters to you soon... please don't forget to comment and vote... (:

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