chapter 11

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Chapter 11:


Those three little words I had been longing to hear come out of Mitch’s mouth for so many years. But I didn’t want them anymore… I couldn’t hear them. I was dating Matt and I was happy. What on earth was I going to do?

♫   MATT   ♫

As I got into my car I was in a blind rage. How could he do this to me? What was he thinking? Was he thinking? But most of all… how could he do this to Summer.

As I fumbled around trying to get the key in the ignition there was a knock on the window that made me jump.

Summer stood in front of me in the pouring rain her hair sticking to her face and black streaks ran down her face.

“Summer what are you doing out here?”

“I had to tell you something before you left I-“

I cut her off before she could finish what she was going to say, “no Sum don’t,” I said raising my finger to her lips “you need to think about that message and how it makes you feel, after all you have been into him for years.” And with that I wound my window up and started my car. As I backed my car out of the drive way I could see the tears begin to roll down her face. Even in the rain it was easy to tell she was crying.


As I watched Matt pull out of my driveway I could feel the tears burning at the back of my eyes. Then the build up became too much and they began rolling down my face. As he took off down our street I began running after him knowing that I wouldn’t be able to catch him. But I hoped. As Matt’s truck pulled out of our street I gave up chasing him and just broke down in the middle of the street. I fell to my knees a sobbed quietly to myself. As the rain fell on me I heard a car coming up behind me, but I didn’t care I was in the middle of the road the car could go around me.

“Hey you, get off the road,” was being yelled from behind me.

“go round,” I said rolling my arm in a big circle on the right side of my body.

“I said get off the road” the voice was closer to me now

“and I said go around, did you miss hear me you dickhead?”

“this isn’t a very safe place to take a sit down,” the mystery boy said behind me as I felt a hand set itself on my hip trying to pull me up.

“get your hands off me, or I’ll scream” I said in a stern voice

“as much fun as that may be I am just going to safely get you home. You don’t look in any state to do it yourself.”

“I said get off me you prick” as I picked myself up from the pavement.

“ I wish you would make up your mind; am I a prick or a dickhead.” He said in a condescending tone with a smirk on his face.

Once we were on the footpath he held out his hand, “Jammi”

“this is where I’m meant to say my name and shake your hand but I don’t want to. GOODBYE!” I said storming up the path.

When I reached the house I slammed the door letting everyone know I was mad. When I went up to my room where the voicemail icon was flashing on my phone. As I listened to it the context made me feel ill.

‘Sum I’m so sorry that I ran out like that I just have to get to the bottom of something I will pick you up for school in the morning and I’ll explain then’

I knew what it was he had to get to the bottom of and I knew it was to do with me and that message. I knew that it was going to end in trouble.

Author’s note: hey guys… hope you enjoyed this chapter… please give me your opinions. What do you think about the new guy… Jammi… are you a Matt or a Mitch team member… as always vote, comment, like… :)

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