Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

“Summer,” mum said for the millionth time, “we are going to be late,” she yelled at me from the other end of the house.

“mum, chill,” I said in a calm voice as she came into view, “It's not like we are going to anything important, it’s just dinner at Michelle’s.” I said passing her and walking out the front door.


After dinner I headed with Mitch to his room because apparently it was ‘grown up’ time. We decided that we should play truth or dare.

“You first cutie,” he said with a slight edge to his voice as he gave me a little wink.

“arr… truth,” I said knowing that this could only make me blush because he would have more information to hold over my head.

“Chicken…” he trailed off, “Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked playing it safe.

“not at the moment,” I said in a teasing tone. What did I mean not at the moment? I have never had a boyfriend! He knew that! He was just being a tease.

“Dare,” he said before I could even ask the question.

“Do 25 push-ups in a minute,” The dare was finished in 45 seconds just to prove a point. The truths and dares continued back and forth for ages before we got to the really good stuff.

“So… last truth… if I dared you,” he said taking a dramatic pause, “would you kiss me,”

Was I really hearing this? Did Mitch just ask me to kiss him? I have to be dreaming. Right? This was the guy that I had been dreaming about for years. I had wanted to hear these words for so long!

I had to play it cool. So I simply answered, “I’ll have to get back to you,” then a smile creped onto my face and a puzzled look appeared on his.

“unfair!” he said ruffling my hair just to annoy me.  

“okay your turn for a truth!” I said quickly changing the subject off me.

He looked at me with that ‘Mitch’ look, his big blue eyes opening wide, as if him letting me look deep into his soul.

“How was your first crush?” I said with a little chuckle

“do you really want the truth?”

“Well yeah, that’s kind of what truth or dare is about. And you can’t answer a question with another question, that’s not far.”

“okay, but remember that you wanted to know. The honest… complete truth… my… first… crush… was…” he said every word so slow and accurate. Just spit it out! “you…”

I was speechless. Did he just say that?

“Don’t bull shit me,” I said regaining my composer, “I asked for the truth.”

“I was serious,” he said now all evidence of humour leaving his face. I believed him. He couldn’t look that serious and be lying to me.

“OMG, I need a minute,” I said getting up and ruching towards the door. I ran towards the bathroom. As I slashed cold water on my face I felt a presence behind me. I turned around to find…

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