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The pharaonic grey sky chose to remain calm above the narrow valley as it's forlorn stillness shadowed the airy sunlight and the ocean blue sky.  It didn't rain and neither the wind blew a hint of what was happening next but believe me, it longed to tear apart and spill the drops on the hearts of the broken ones. And somewhere in the world, somewhere in a room of Polaroid pictures,  plastered secrets and fairy tale scent. He stood there and stared at the mirror, his soft lips uttered a name and the mirror smiled back at him. He knew it why.

But stories are always struck hard by reality and fairy tale remains some debris of a broken believe. So did the mirror really smile back when he uttered the name? Was only the room plastered with secrets or even his entire existence?

"Tazay! We're getting late",  roared out Tenzin's sister as she impatiently waited for him in the car. She fixed herself comfortably on the seat and picked up her I-pad trying best to ignore the old driver standing there. "Cheche Tenzin is always makes it late", the old driver chuckled with a doma fixed in his mouth as he stood beside the car. Then after a while, he leisurely entered the car managing his body on the leather seat and  turned toward her with a smile.

At this she angrily grabbed the seat and poked her head out if the car window. "Tenzin!", she called out again, this time with much irritation in her voice, but there was still no response from Tenzin who was calmly polishing his shoe inside the room. His sister never understood why Tenzin was so tedious at everything, he had things done in his own slow and precise way and maybe for that reason she hated him since childhood. 

Finally after seven minutes of continuous wait and yells, a slender figure in mathra gho and polished shoe made its way out of the house and steadily walked toward the black car. Rather than him hurrying for being late, they could instead hear him humming a slow song which made his sister even annoyed.

"Sorry Ashim, sorry uncle Dophu",  he said with a low smile as he entered the car and fixed his soft hair stay in glee position.

"You don't need to Apologize for the old driver",  his sister irately murmured under her breath glaring at her IPad as her fingers scrolled down the feeds. "God! for the thousandth time Tenzin, stop tagging me in your stupid dance videos. It's embarrassing. And what if Apa finds out? He- "

But Tenzin was paying no heed to his sister's grumps and groans. Instead he was lost looking out of the window with his headphones on. Maybe he wasn't lost, he was just in the right place where he actually belonged. Tenzin rhythmically tapped his fingers on the window and ceaselessly stared at the trees and then the yellow, gray and white buildings with longitudinal windows, as they passed by them. It was like he could see something different in those ordinary structures. Something no one could understand and explain it why or something so different yet so beautiful in a peculiar way.

On the other hand, there was nothing that could describe the twins were alike. Though they had lost their mother at three and were raised under the strict discipline by their father, a respected Dasho. Tenzin Tshering Wangchuk and Tenzin Tshering Wangmo, they were different in every ways they showed. Tenzin liked viewing life in a slow and esthetic way, he appreciated art and poetry and the efforts of humanity. Where he was mostly found sketching or scribbling his heart out, yet isolated from reality and people.  Slow and old musics defined him. We could tell he was odd and still so familiar to the word beauty. While viewing his sister, she was the complete opposite of him. She was like a dancing flame; bold and raged at the tiniest thing. She was like one of those prosaic person among the 7 billion with a keen taste in  K-pop and  modern themes.

And that's why everyone told, Tenzin was indeed something different and magical.

The speed car stopped right in front of  School gate. Tenzin switched back to the reality and stopped tapping on the window. There was a voice inside his head telling him not to stop and not to fake it again but he took a deep breath and silenced them with a stab. He had to do it everytime, It became like a everyday ritual since he had turned sixteen. Then he stretched his lips to a low smile and  flopped out of the car leaving his headphone on the seat.


Tenzin shouted out in happiness seeing his best friend Chimmi Yangchen come from a distance.  She was the only friend Tenzin made since his Childhood at Trashi Yangtse. And that was how She got her nick name. Yangtse wasn't tall and slender like Tenzin instead she was chubby with cute hazel eyes and baby pink cheeks. Her hair was kept short and neatly clipped with a black bunny clip that Tenzin had gifted her a year ago.

"Yangtse! What's up?", he said again as she came close to him. But this time she sensed a change in Tenzin's tone and expression. She has sensed the change in Tenzin all along, the way of his speech, averted eyes during conversation and manymore which portrayed Tenzin in a different way but she kept it close and decided not to dig deeper into it.

She stood in front of him and watched his sister walk away in annoyance. Then she turned her gaze toward Tenzin.

"Tenzin, I appreciate our friendship but we are in Highschool now. You should really mingle out with boys and make new friends"

"NOPE not at all. As long as I have you I'm all good. And you know, I don't like boys. They...tgey are too vulgar, unlike you." He said pinching Yangtse's chubby cheeks.

It was true, Tenzin never liked boys. Though he had alot of friendship with boys in his childhood days but they only made him feel miserable, as they would always taunt him or corner him and call names that broke his inner self.

He never got the privilege to cry in his mother's lap and tell her how the people treated him and  how he didn't like soccer. His sister never bothered about him and approaching to his strict father wasn't that easy, because in either way he was the one who would end up getting beaten.

So he was mostly found alone and aghast. Until he met chubby cheeked Yangtse, there was a whole new definition of life to him where every broken pieces of him became better, because he he knew she accepted him for who was and who he would be.

"So,  let's go?", he said is a queasy tone as he averted is gaze toward someone briskly walking past them.

"Go ahead", she replied in a quick tone and walked forward as Tenzin followed.

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