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The forlorn grey sky did tear apart and spilled the plangent drops on the hearts of the broken people and one of them was Chimmi Yangchen (Yangtse). She closed her eyes and walked under that drizzle, maybe she wanted to drain the water running in her heart but it did not come out of her eyes, so she had to endure it like she had been doing for days. She  didn't even understand why she was being or feeling that way. It was completely weird, she did not have any physical wounds and yet her body ached as if like all the bones her broke into pieces and her rib cage rather constricted to pressurize her lungs, with a heavy emptiness in her heart.

And on the other side, unpretentious Tenzin gathered up all his courage and made his move towards Samten. He feared a little at first, but as he stood there at the door and watch those unpolished shoes and the tan skin, he again felt the warmth of intimacy and a beautiful kind of ache in his left chest. And this time his body listend to his heart and follows his desire.

There He quietly walked towards Samten who was quietly sitting in a corner with a geography book. Tenzin smiled as his dark luminous eyes met the obsidian still eyes. It didn't take long for him to stand beside the desk and make his confession to Samten Tashi. He managed to pour out everything he was practising in front of the mirror in that room of Polaroid pictures and plastered secrets

But Samten did not realize Tenzin's emotions and instead drowned in embarrassment and hilarity. He picked up the geography book on his table and inconsiderately wacked Tenzin's head in a jape. Perhaps he wasn't wise enough understand what Tenzin was feeling. So he mocked him and so did the other boys joined him making Tenzin run away in tears.

For the  rest of the day Tenzin did not get off his chair or uttered a word.  The rain ceased and the sun did mange to peek into the sky but by then Tenzin's face had completely lost its glow and the only thing on his mind was that embarrassing moment. He realised not everyone in the world was like Yangtse, they did not try to understand people like him and they definitely did not have a place both in their heart and society for people like him. He felt completely abandoned and aghast. And there was nothing he could do to erase that moment or his personality. But he so dearly wished to disappear that very moment.

However, Yangtse on the two tables away from him sat still with the wet uniform and kept her head focused straight at the green board. Though she had the urge to vomit out the mess she was feeling inside but then who would understand it. So she did not even move or spoke a word with her desk mate.

They were both lost and broken but the only difference was that Yangtse had the space in her to heal and normally fit into the society but Tenzin did not.

Next day and so followed by several other days Tenzin was continuously mocked by his school mates and even the teachers. They thought it was funny but they never understood how Tenzin was painfully enduring each of their words that stabbed him and made him bleed

At first he tried ignoring it but he could be strong enough to take it any further. His existence felt so unfair and frustrating to some now. And now nobody was willing to talk to him or sit next to him. Not even Yangtse, who always silently walked past him but never looked at him.

And Finally after a million reasonable execuses his unaware father agreed to send him to another school.

Tenzin felt broken, he realised there was actually no one who cared for him. Not even Yangtse who suddenly went ignorant to him. He didn't know Yangtse liked him or maybe he did. But when she just left him on a middle he felt broke. On top of his miseries, his sister would so often curse him but there was nothing he could do against it.

Tenzin Tshering Wangchuk why are you like this? He questioned himself as he looked into the mirror. He cried and so did the mirror  spilled the tears as the walls of plastered secrets slowly fell apart.

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