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"Yangtse. I have something to tell you".

Just then she heard the gray sky burst apart releasing the heaviness it had been carrying for days. The ground soaked the first drop but she wasn't yet ready to soak Tenzin's words  or recognize his voice.

For a few moment, she froze her stare at the raindrops falling off the roof top, perhaps the gray sky finally cried but it stole the last bit of tears from Yangtze's eyes, and there was nothing she could do but keep her eyes wide open to let in the falling drops. She tried hard to turn around and say a word or two but her body failed continuously. There was numbness in every part of her body; her legs, her eyes, her lips and her heart. She could only hear the noise of the colourless plangent drops continuously increasing one by one, disappearing her senses. It was like a void had touched her and only Tenzin's words managed to pull her out of it.

"Yangtse what's wrong with you? you have been acting weird lately!"

"You are the one who is acting weird Tenzin!!". She found her body involuntary turn back as her lips finally moved on hearing Tenzin speak from the other end.  But this time it wasn't her speaking. It was like her body wasn't her's at all and she just couldn't stop the words spilling incessantly from her lips.

"Why are you doing this to me Tenzin?! Haven't I told you to stay away from me and make new friends? I...i can't take this anymore. I don't understand...". She was surprised on hearing her own voice and such words spilling from her mouth. She didn't want to say those. She didn't want Tenzin to be hurt because of her. Her heart did not intend at all but her mouth failed to listen, it remained stubborn unwilling to remain shut.

"What have I done Yangtse? and why are you saying this weird things?", Tenzin innocently questioned from the other end trying, still unaware of what was going inside Yangtze's mind. Maybe deep inside Tenzin felt hurt because of Yangtse's behaviour and words. But he had to keep in mind it was not  Yangtse who suddenly changed, it was him too.

And on the other end, Yangtse immediately placed her hands on her mouth trying best to keep it shut and prevent the uncertain words spill from he lips. She reminded that she had to fight each of those but should not let Tenzin know. But Tenzin did not understand why she did it. Instead He only stood there and hazily  stared back at her who stood with a dead expression. And there was a complete silence between the two of them. Perhaps the students were noisily hovering around and sky above them loudly cried.  But they could hear non of them, except their heart beating in the heavy silence.

Finally after a minute of complete silence and incomplete conversation. Yangtse managed to speak up and this time her heart spoke the words. "I'm sorry Tenzin. I know I have been acting quite weird lately and I have hurt you too. So I'm really sorry for it. I'm actually lucky to have a best friend like you. You are a star Tenzin. The brightest one that completes my sky. So let's go back to how it was". It didn't hurt her when she finished speaking, in fact she felt a certain warmth of clearness as the heavy raindrops ceased to a slow drizzle.

"It's alright Yangtse. I know, it's called a mood swing. Most teenagers catch it often. And you freaking don't have to apologize for that, you are my best friend." Tenzin said jovially and patted her shoulder. It was so easy to convince Tenzin. He was soft, maybe too soft to be in the world of tough men and circumstances. Both of them giggled out, everything felt normal for good for Yangtse then.

"Tenzin What is it that you wanted to tell me?", Yangtse asked unknowingly. She felt a certain chill up her spine when the question slipped from her mouth. Now She didn't want to hear the answer for she knew it would again mess up the whole thing that was cleared that a few seconds ago.

Tenzin widely smiled at her. There was a certain comfort in his beautiful smile as he ceaselessly stared at the slow drizzle. Maybe Tenzin thought that Yangtse knew about him as she had been his best friend for ages and she was the only one who understood him. and finally he parted his lips to speak his heart out.

'Yangtse. do you think Samten would accept me?" Tenzin said as he  carefully leaned over the railing trying to wet his slender fingers under the faint spring drizzle.

"Accept you!? she questioned in bewilderment. She again felt that chill and the heavy grasp on her heart.

"Yeah Yangtse. Will he accept my friendship? I want to be friends with him. "Tenzin said he quietly turned toward her with the same warm and anticipating smile.

Her heart skipped a beat for an instant but after a while Yangtse grew speechless more of a bit hurt too. But she held back her emotions, she had to accept Tenzin was not a normal boy. She was right, Tenzin indeed was a star. Beautiful and bright that completes the night sky but still so far away from her that she could only watch it's existence growing a billion light-years away from her.

"W-well of course! Why wouldn't he?", she chuckled out pretending not to act any weird to him.  "And as you haven't made any friends, you should. And-and I think you two would be great friends. "  surprisingly uncertain words managed to spill out of her mouth but there was still a lump of feelings she choked on.

"Awww.. Chimmi Yangchen, you always understand me. Thank you". It was the first time Tenzin ever called out her real name and it sounded so odd to her insensible ears.

So things won't be like how it always was? She thought. Yangtse couldn't do a thing but watch Tenzin leap away toward 10A leaving a carter in her heart. Then she realized that she liked him so much, Tenzin was everthing she ever wanted. But somehow things just don't go like how we want. Somethings aren't meant for you no matter what.

So she quietly laced her fingers and walked away. Perhaps the light drizzle drenched her running the water through the cracks of her heart that tenzin unawarely left. There she wished maybe in the parallel universe Tenzin and she could be together. Where they would live a fairy tale or maybe just a normal life.

But in this world Tenzin was something slightly different. She was the only one having feelings not him. Tenzin was a gay he never had feelings for a girl.

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