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Later that night, he sneaked out of his house and fled into the darkness with scars on his back and a broken heart for no one would understand his pain.

He walked under the street light pondering how to overcome his misiries, how others would overcome situations like this.

He had to do something before he becomes a victim of suicide or again other horrible things.

He thought of Yangtse, his loving mother and all the counselling speeches.

And finally decided to make a confession video and post it on social media.

"Hello-there, on whatever device you are watching this. My name is Tenzin Tshering Wangchuk a 16 year old twin and I'm a Gay, yes I can firmly say I'm a Gay. As a child I always thought the world was a playful fairy tale and the society always accepted beauty with variations. But I was wrong. We are blinded in a monopoly. The society never wants variations. They doesn't accept people like me. I have been treated like a plastic toy, ignored like I'm not even a human. I have been victim of harassment and things you can't imagine. But hey, I know there are people like me out there sitting back and watching this video in silence, refusing to step in the day light. But I think it's time we fight to find ourselves a stand in this devious society and live our life openly. And..... This to you Apa, I'm sorry I've never told you. But I can't live my life hiding under the shade. I'm sorry I've let you down, I am sorry Yangtse. "

By then the video had got spread all over the internet, reaching out to millions reavling the truth.

Will somebody help Tenzin?

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