Charlie's Stash

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Peter reached forward but it was too late. He was already gone.

I don't know what took over me. I fired at the zombies directly surrounding him but the sound echoed off the buildings and just attracted more. They tore at him and his screams pierced the air. I just kept shooting until there was no ammo. I kept clicking the trigger but he eventually stopped screaming and rose from the ground and scratched at the building. Reaching and biting the air.

Cry pulled me onto my back.

The tears sealed my eyes shut as I screamed and hit him. My hands flying everywhere. He grabbed my wrists and held them to my chest until I calmed down.

"He's gone Pewds. He's gone," he kept saying.

I finally focused on my breathing and opened my eyes. His blue ones were closer than I expected. His black rimmed glasses complimenting their colour. He really was a pretty guy.

No. He's your best friend why would you think that?

I sat up and felt myself go slightly red. I skidded back on the roof and covered my face in my hands until it passed.

When I finally looked up he was standing with his hand outstretched.

"We need to leave," he explained and pulled me to my feet. We couldn't jump anywhere from here. I didn't look as Peter shot Ted.

We moved through the street. Over the bleeding bodies. Over everything. Past locked buildings full of high end clothing. Broken windows and stolen goods.

Only two months and everything was destroyed.

We reached the highway and only had to kill twelve Snaps.

It was becoming reflex. That scared me. How easy it was to shoot another human being. Self defence perhaps but that didn't make it better. I was speaking in Swedish to myself a little bit. That was freaking Cry out.

"Felix please stop," he said finally.

"I'm sorry Cry. I just don't know how to deal with it," I admitted.

"Yeah well talking to yourself in Swedish won't help. Speaking to me might. But I speak American," he said and I chuckled.

"Ain't no English fool," he put on a southern accent and Peter threw a sidelong glance at him. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He made me feel heaps better.

The buildings were thinning our and we spent the night in an abandoned diner. Well everywhere was abandoned to be honest.

The next two days we just walked. We walked and walked and slept and shot and raised. We had lots of food. We had lots of ammo. We had no hearts as we murdered in self defence.

It was on The fourth day that we encountered a healthy human. A HH.

"Cry, where do you think it started?" I asked as we walked. We were heading south so it was warming up. The sun heating my back as we took the highway.

"I don't know. Doctor V said the north east US but it probably came from Africa or something," he said.

"Yeah let's just blame it on Africa," I teased.

"Yeah, fuck Africa man," cry said.

We smiled.

That's when I heard the scream. It was a little girl. I don't know what happened but suddenly I was running towards the sound. Cry yelling at me to slow down. I disregarded my own safety as I entered the hardware store where the little girls cried came from.

I saw her down one of the isles. Two little blonde braids. She must have only been 6 years old. She was holding her ankle and her face was distorted in pain.

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