Chapter 3

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I hopped onto my bed and grabbed my bag. I took out the letter that I received "I wonder who its from" I whispered to myself. I paid close attention to the handwriting, it's was slightly messy and hard to read but eventually I got used to it.

I had got changed into a baggy jumper and shorts. I was listening to music and sketching who my pen pal might be. "OMG what if it's shiro?!" I squeaked in excitement. I turned to the back of my sketchbook and wrote:
'List of suspects:
That's all I had for now as I'm not even sure what period my mysterious guy/gal had their lesson. I heard my phone ding, capturing all my attention. It read:

"Hey N/N! Wanna come out to a party with some friends and maybe a date for you?😏. The party is on Friday tho so you have a day to think! Hope you respond soon!" -Pidge podge

I quickly replied to her "Yeah I'll see if I can come. Not so fond about that date you speak of haha."

"Oh well it could be good for you to start dating again, it might let you have more confidence.  I'm excited for tomorrow now anyway Night hun, sleep welllll!"

I smiled "Night Pidge Podge" is all I wrote back. I put my phone on my dresser next to my bed and put it on charge after that I slipped into a deep sleep.

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I was walking to Art with Pidge and Lance, we kept up some small talk and jokes until we had to disperse into our seats I sat far away from Pidge but quite close to Lance so I would always pass him notes to give to Pidge. Pidge wrote one that made me smile slightly cause it showed that she was actually interested in my life.

'So anything interesting happened in your life yet?' She wrote

'I guess, I started writing to this mystery person who has the same taste in music to me. They seem sweet but I don't even know their gender yet or what period they have music.' I passed my note to Lance who kindly gave it to Pidge. She skimmed my writing and mouthed to me an OMG, I just nodded in response.

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It was the lesson I've been waiting for all day now and I had a slight smile on as I entered the class, I got a few glares because of that as no one actually likes music.

I sat down in my seat and my hand searched for the letter. As soon as I retrieved it, I lay it down under my work so no one would be suspicious of it (it just looked like I was taking notes). I quickly read his letter, impatient to reply:

'My dad told me about them before he passed away, I guess that's why I hold that band so close to my heart.
Wow I just realised I opened up my heart to a complete stranger aha oh well you seem alright, that's what I'm hoping anyway. I guess my dad dying and my mum not being around really makes me feel down so that's why I listen to them so much.
Anyway thank you for letting me finally tell someone it made me feel slightly better.'

My heart sank. This poor person has been through so much but hasn't told anyone except me, I felt privileged that he told me but at the same time I felt sorrow. I quickly wrote my letter back:

'It must of been hard for you to keep it all inside. Thank you for telling me of all people about all your problems I feel privileged. I won't tell anyone about what's happening, you don't seem to like talking about it much seeing as you've never told anyone. It'll be our little secret.
I didn't really have a choice but to read it so don't thank me haha. Sorry if that made it worse I'm just trying to lighten the mood :).
I have a question.
If you're dad has passed away and you mom isn't around what do you do for Christmas? I'm only asking this cause Christmas break is 2 weeks away.'

I finished hoping I lightened the mood a little bit. I quickly slipped their letter into my bag and stuck my letter under the table. I started to pay attention again after that.

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The end of the day rolled by quickly. I got up from my desk and left with everyone else. Pidge immediately linked our arms and smiled "Hello!" I beamed "wow you must be in a good mood. I'm guessing cause of you 'pen pal' huh?" Pidge grinned. I hummed a yes in response and we continued walking. "Well that moods not going to last long" she growled and glared daggers at some, I followed her line of view, I saw Keith and Allura laughing with his arm resting behind her head, they were heading our way. "Ughhh" I groaned. "Heya Torpe! Still hanging around with the geekiest kid?" He laughed. "For you're information she's smart not a geek but I guess you think everyone is a geek cause anyone can be smarter than you." I replied confidently, he growled "Whatever". "Oh cmon Keith don't listen to her she doesn't know what she's talking about!" Allura piped up and I glared into her soul. They quickly took off and so did me and him.

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