Hard Times

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2:26 a.m.

My phone starts buzzing, I unwrap my arms from around Yasmine as she's asleep hoping that I won't wake her up.

Call from Grace

I answer the call getting up out of bed and going into the bathroom.

"Grace, it's too early to be calling me about this." I say half asleep not wanting to deal with any issues from Liam

"Troy, can I come and stay with you?"

"I thought you had a place to stay"

"No, I didn't want to tell you but I got kicked out, I've been living off of my extra money for hotel rooms or just a bed to sleep on and I need to save up if I'm ever going to get back on track."

"Grace... You have to do better with yourself" I say really wishing that she didn't have it so rough

"I promise I will get myself back up, I just need some help."

"Fine, I'll talk to Yasmine but I can't promise you..Do you have a room to stay in today?"

"Yes, I should be good for today, and Thank you so much" she says relieved

"Always Grace" I say before hanging up and climbing back into bed.

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