Back To Buisness

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Troy's P.O.V

I'm sitting in my car wondering if I should go back home to Yasmine as I stare at a picture of us at the beach while she's on my back with a cheesy smile on her face, the memory sends me back to when we were truly happy...

My phone rings and I see that it's Liam..

"You here yet?"

"Yeah, just pulled up."

I quickly spray on cologne,
run my hands through my hair, and put on my suit as I get out of the car and make my way into the building

"Ooh you look nice baby, what took you so long to come back to us?" Paris asked while showing off her ass in a G-string

" Paris, not now I'm here for buisness, where's the crew?"

"In the back. Glad to have you here again T." She said while biting her lip and walking away

Before I walked into the room I thought about turning around but since Liam knows I'm here..there's no way out.

"Wassup Liam.." I say leaning on the doorframe with my hands in my pockets

"Troy, what the hell man we haven't heard about you going around anymore it's like you gave up on us" He says while fumbling with the diamond rings on his hand while the girl on his desk caresses him.

Liam naturally has a straight face, the only time he smiles or laughs is when he's being intimidating and he's the type of guy you have to play the same role with or you'll end up dead, as long as you stay on his good side, you can stay on his team

"Where's your gun?" He straightforwardly says before I could respond to his other statement

"I forgot to bring it, thought I'd just come by to see why you needed me here.."

" Really...well I don't believe you're telling me the truth T" he says quickly pulling out his gun in an instant, testing me to see if I was going to react fast enough

I had a my gun pointed at him ready to shoot, knowing that I had passed his test.

"So you remembered." " just as fast as your enemy and stay two steps ahead" he continued as he put his gun away and told me that he was glad to have me back.

I'm glad the crew wasn't in the room or else they would've been on my ass if I had tried to leave.

"Hey, I need to find Grace, you know Cherry...Do you know where she is?"
I ask a random stripper

"Yeah, I'll take you to her" she offers

Grace is the only female I can trust in this business, when she's working here, they call her Cherry for her red hair

We've been friends since high school until she dropped out in 11th grade, I told her to keep going but her dad wasn't around and her mom had a hard time at home, I guess she just gave up after that

I see a woman with long red hair smiling and laughing with someone at the bar

"Hey Grace, sorry if I'm interrupting but I really have to talk to you"

"Troy, wha- what the hell are you doing here, you're not suppose to be here!" She said with a disappointed look on her face

"I know I know and before you get mad Liam asked me to come here, do you know why?"

"Troy, you need to go home to Yasmine, does she know that you're here!"

"No she doesn't, please don't be mad Grace I just need to know why he called me out of the blue like that.. if you know something, tell me please"
I say hoping that she'll let me know something

" He wants you to start back with the crew, he didn't want to give you up after he tried to find a replacement since no one moved in money like you did, but that's not the point it's not safe here especially now that you're settling down with someone, you need to tell Liam that you won't be able to start back"

"Grace! If I do that you know what he'll do, just promise me you'll get protection for Yasmine in case anything happens"

"Fine. But I told you not to do this"

"I don't have a choice, I'll be over tomorrow" I say while leaving for the exit.

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