Chapter 78, ......

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*Yami's POV*

Yugi didn't come out the rest of the day. He just stayed in our room. When it came to dinner I took him a tray of food and a glass of water, and when it came to me trying to sleep he didn't even cuddle me. 

I woke up at my normal early time, the time were we used to get up and he would teach me to dance. Were it was just the two of, were we were just learning to love each other. Ra back then things were still hard, it should've gotten easier for us. But no, something always gets in the way of us.

I got into the shower and took longer than I normally would, and when I got out and went to my room no one was lying on the bed. Is he up? "Yugi you awake?" I called out to the living room but got no answer. I quickly shoved some pants on and wondered out, my hair still dripping from just getting out.

I looked all around but couldn't see him, he couldn't of gone anywhere and I've checked everywhere. I quickly brushed over the living room again and saw something lying on the couch. I sighed when I saw it was Yugi scrolling on his phone. "Hey baby, you sleep alright?" I asked and he looked up, nodded then went back to his phone. 

I guess that's the best I'm gonna get for now. I went to the kitchen and made some coffee, doing a extra cup for Yugi. I placed it down next to him and he looked up, going to say something but changing his mind. I sat down on the other side of the couch and thought the air would clear. "I'm thinking of going out to do some dancing."

"O-Oh yeah sure go ahead, just message me when your on your way back and I'll pick you up," I said and he disappeared into the room taking his cup with him. About 25 minutes later he came out and rushed out the door, murmuring a quick bye then closing the door quietly. 

I decided to put on the t.v and some movies were on so I put them on to kill time. Today was my day off, to which I had already planned an entire day with Yugi. 

My phone beeped and I had a look at who it was. I sighed. 

Trainee🖐-Heya. I wanted to apologise for yesterday, I don't know what come over me. But I wanted to make it up to you. I know your free today so wanna go out for a walk and talk?

I didn't bother to message her back, I still had to say to her that I'm not training her anymore. I know Atem said it would be good for her but it's not good for me. A few hours later and everyone had joined me in the living room, but Marik was sitting on one of the seats at the edge of the kitchen still looking in. 

I keep checking my phone, I never got anything from Yugi. Has he really been practicing this whole time? He better have had a rest, he better not be pushing himself. He better not have hurt himself by falling over or anything. "Yami, where's Yugi?" Atem asked and everyone turned to me. 

"He went out dancing a while ago, I asked him to message me when he's done and I'll pick him up," I said and Marik scoffed. 

"But, I got a message from him this morning saying he was going to Joey's for the day..." Heba said and Seto turned to him.

"Can't be, Joey is out today going out with his sister shopping today," Seto said and I was getting more and more worried.

"I'm gonna go to the studio to see if he is there, I'm getting worried," I said and went to the door and put my shoes on running out and not stopping until I got to the studio and spoke to the desk manager. "H-Has Yugi Muto come in here in the last few hours?"

"No sir, we haven't seen Mr Muto in awhile. You yourself,  you two looked so happy when you came in here bright and early. I will admit you looked like you would make such a cute couple," she joked and I nodded and left. I ran back to the house hoping that the others had heard something but they had as much as I did. I punched the wall slightly, annoyed at myself for not questioning him before he left. 

I went to my room to look for something to tell me something, anything. Just a small thing to tell me he is alright. Like a note or something. I fumbled around, even  tripping over some books that were sitting on the floor. Until I found his cup with a note beside it. The cup was empty which made me happy but I had a look at the top of the note. My heart dropped.

Dear Yami,

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry but I need some time away from everyone. Too much is going on right now and my head can't take it. I'm going away for a bit, away from everyone. I know Dartz is still after me, but maybe if I don't appear for a bit then he might forget about you guys and leave you all alone. I'm so sorry for being such a pain to you all, especially you Yami. You've done more for me more then anyone else in my life and you have kept me on my feet.

But it's time I learn to stand on my own,  I don't always want to be a burden to you all. I just hope that when I return, maybe just maybe I can rejoin the group. My love for you will never end, and I hope you can forgive me for doing this. 

All the love in the world, Yugi.

P.S I believe you when you say it's nothing between Rose. I'm sorry I didn't say this before. 

I-I can't believe he really...gone. 

I ran to the living room and divided straight to Heba. "Heba please! I beg of you to call Yugi!!" I cried and gripped his shirt. I didn't even realize I was holding him tight until Atem ripped me from him. "Please Heba...I'm begging you please."

"What's going on? Is Yugi alright?" he asked as he was getting his phone out. I was full bawling right now, I couldn't even control my breathing. "Yami calm down, you'll pass out."

"I don't care!! You need to find him please!!" I yelled and Atem pulled me off the couch and into his arms. "A-Atem...I-I couldn't stop him from leaving..."

"Sssh it's alright," he whispered and patted my back. Heba tried to call him, but it went straight to voicemail. "Keep calling him Heba, I'll take Yami out for a drive see if we can spot him anywhere."

Atem had to drag me to the car outside and put the seatbelt on me, like I was a five year old kid. "Come on Yami I need your eyes with me, please try to focus," he said as he put his own belt on. We must of drove around for hours...but we never found him.

I wanted to stay out for longer, all night if I had to find him but Atem wouldn't let me. He said we would go again tomorrow, to which we did but had nothing come up. Heba kept calling him all day but he wouldn't answer. 

He really was gone, my baby had left...

Yep, I did a thing. Yugi has left The Dragons. Has he done the right thing? And what do I have planned?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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