Chapter 33, Just adding to the pile...

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*Yami's POV*

Ohh my back. My back is in so much pain! I forgot I fell asleep on the chair. But I had a hold of Yugi's hand all night so I don't care. But he hasn't woken up either, man if only he did throughout the night. The door opened and Atem walked through with Seto but Atem looked down. "See he's still out of it,  I swear we're gonna catch the person who did this," Atem said and sat down on another chair while Seto leaned against the wall.

"Have either of you even looked at the news recently? Seems like most of, if not all of our fanbase is turning into Sherlock and making an worldwide search party for the person," Seto said and brought up his phone. I haven't even checked anything to do with this, I haven't bothered with it.

It was on the news app and the headline was 'Young star Yugi Muto has been shot on conert. Fan base vows to find the shooter,' it said and he started to scroll down to see the comments. 

'We will not stand for our panda being shot! He has suffered enough!'

'This person better watch out, thousands of people are after ya now!

' I hate it, Yugi has been going through his own troubles, struggling with his mother and now this? This boy needs a vacation!! And a hug from all us draggys!!!'

I love all the people in the fanbase, they're all so nice. Yugi started to move and everyone jumped, but he was just moving around a little in his sleep. "Yami you're gonna need to eat something soon. Something propper because you haven't ate anything in a while, don't need another in here," Seto said and came up to me tapping my shoulder. 

I don't want to leave his side, what if he wakes up while I'm gone? I need to be here for him, I need to be the first one he sees. "Go on Yami, I'll stay here and I'll call you if anything happens and when he wakes up I'll jump out so he doesn't see me," he said and got up, started to push us out of the room. "Go on it'll be fine. I promise."

"Alright, but when anything happens even if he sneezes you call me alright?" I said and he laughed getting us away from the door and closing the door behind him.

*Atem's POV* 

Finally, he needs the food because he's more paler than paper. I took his seat next to Yugi and looked at him, only not even a month into this and he's been shot. If we only took more precautions then this could of been stopped but, what else could we do? We searched bags at the gate, the police had surrounded the place and even some of the places nearby were covered.

Yugi started to stir again and it makes me happy that he is at least moving around and is not just non moving. My phone started to go off and I saw it was his mother's number! I have never swiped my phone faster as I answered. "H-Hello? Atem here."

"Hey it's the nurse that is looking after Yugi Muto's mother, I really didn't want to do this over text but I need to speak to him. Is he awake?" she asked and I told her no, a heavy sigh greeted me. I know what's coming... I've heard it so many times. "I-I'm afraid there wasn't anything we could do to help her. She passed away last night. But she had a message for little Yugi."

"Would you be able to tell me the message please so when he is awake I can pass it on to him," I said and honestly I could feel myself tearing up. He can never have a break can he?

"Well... I have a letter here I could send out to you, shouldn't take too long. I could even get someone to bring it to you and you can get it within a few hours," she said. I agreed to have someone come out because I'd rather have the letter here to show to him. I'm guessing she must of written the letter before falling into the coma, I wonder though what could it be to be written down.

Seems like Seto had kept Yami and that busy because they never came back, I had about 100 texts everyone half hour though from Yami checking to see if anything happened. Two hours past and someone came with the letter, I thanked them and they left as fast as they came. I feel like I shouldn't open this, but I need to know. 

I opened the letter and threw the envelope into the bin, and started to read the letter.

'Dear my loving son, I'm sorry that I'm not doing this to you in person but I didn't have the guts to face you. I have been hiding something from you, I couldn't risk you knowing at a young age and trying to go out. But you have a brother, a twin brother. I couldn't keep the both of you because your father barley wanted you... so I had to give your brother away. His name is Heba Muto and he is younger than you. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner, please don't hate me.

I love you my dearest son, if you ever find him be a good big brother to him, from your mother. P.S, I love to hear you sing your really good, I wish one day to hear you on stage!'

Oh....oh dear Ra.... I picked up my phone and dialed the same number I dialed last time. "Heya Atem was going on? We're trying to look up stuff on him but it's taking awhile," she said.

"Mana I need you to listen to me really carefully. Drop the search your doing and begin a new one on Heba Muto, we need to find him asap!" I yelled and she hung up as soon as I finished. I promise Miss Muto, I'll watch over your two boys. I'll do whatever I can to protect them from their so called father.

o-0, well then I did a thing. YES I DROPPED A BOMB SHELL! Yugi really needs a break, he needs to have just nothing but hugs. But Yugi is still out cold, what's gonna happen when he wakes up? Will Atem tell him when he wakes up? WILL ATEM FIND HEBA!?!?!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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