Chapter 88, Trapped...

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*Yugi's POV*

"Yugi it's great to see you again," Valon said and shook my hand. I made up a story over text that they all turned on me kicking me out of the band. "Yugi I'm so sorry to hear about what happened with The Dragons, but don't worry we'll take care of you."

"Y-Yeah I'm sure. Thank you for this, I need something to get me back on my feet," I said and he nodded. He ordered us tea and we just sat talking, with him being this nice you would never think this guy was in a gang. "Um so when can I speak to Dartz about this?"

"Soon, I'll be taking you to our house and work place after this and you can speak to him there," he said and I nodded trying not to look like I am giving him any of my attention. Our tea came fast and I was kept my gaze outside, and all I saw was couples walking round. Some holding each other hands. How could I forget? Valentines day.... and I can't even see him. I'm a terrible boyfriend.

"So tell me, what ,made you consider this? Yeah you say that you wanted to get back on your feet. Forgive me but I have been searching you on the internet and have seen you have been through a lot of trouble since you entered this industry," he said and I balled one of my hands under the table. "Why not just go a solo? Doing that might be better then diving head first into another group. Epically this one."

"I have heard nothing but good things about this company and wanted to try out for it. Dartz has already come up to me with an offer and I said no at the time because I was still with The Dragons, I just hope the it still stands," I said and paid close attention to the way his face changed. Is he trying to keep me away from this? Why?

He didn't open his mouth after, which made for thrilling conversation but I wasn't complaining too much. After we finished our tea he ordered us a car and we had to wait for a few minutes. My phone ping in my pocket and I had a look. 5 messages from Heba.

Littlehuman- Brother please don't do this. We'll find another way to take him down.

Littlehuman- I left the house and went to the hospital to see Yami, he clearly misses you.

Littlehuman- He knows, I had to tell him. If he found out later by someone else he would've been worse then he was.

Littlehuman-We're on our way to where ever it is Dartz's company is, if you're not there then we'll wait for you. If you are then we will drag you away by your hair if we have to.

Littlehuman- .....Yami knows he hurts his staff...

This....this isn't good. Our car came faster then I thought and I instantly jumped in. I have to make it look like am excited to join this group. "Come on Valon!!! Let's go already!!" I yelled and Valon laughed and shook his head getting in. The driver looked at me with an evil grin and drove off, going faster than most of the other cars. I guess Dartz want me there.

My phone started to ring and I was getting more nervous knowing that they might already be there, and by Ra they had better not be caught.

In about 10 minutes we stopped outside of a building and Valon got out. There was someone at the door and I saw him physically flinch from seeing him. I got out the car and saw the person I hated the most, but my stomach dropped for who was behind him.

"Ahhh Yugi, Valon told me that you would be coming here. I also heard what happened to your other group and I am sooo sorry for what happened!!" he basically yelled and forcefully hugged me. I patted his back and hummed, pulling away and looking behind his shoulder. "I thought since you are away and had such a hard time with everything you should be with family! Not your brother I mean."

He appeared out of the shadows and my whole body froze. "My favourite son, it's been too long," he said and I wanted to run but I couldn't. I couldn't breathe.

"I paid for him to get out, the only condition he has to be out as well is if he doesn't come more then 5 feet to you," Dartz said and I could feel myself beginning to shake. I need to remember why I'm here. As soon as I get Dartz down then everything will be fine. "Well let's not all stand out here!! Come inside!!"

Dartz took my father and walked in, Valon stayed behind with me. "I tried telling you to go solo. I know why you're really doing this though but you can't do anything," he said and reached up his shirt. A straight line of purple was along his stomach. "Believe me when I say I've tried."

He gently pushed my back into the building and  it actually looked like something normal. Someone looked the door behind us and I saw it was a woman, she had a sad smile on her. Valon started to lead me somewhere and I watched all the rooms pass, glimpsing in to see what it was like.

Most of them were recording studios, I wanted so say they looked normal but something even about the rooms were off. Valon and I ended up at a door and he opened it reviling an empty bedroom. "This will be your room, we all tend to stay here in the building for work. It's easier on us," he said and closed the door. He looked around quickly and then rushed to me, holding my shoulders. "I will tell you once, there is only one way out of here. That women at the desk is in on letting us out."

"Look all I'm here to do is make sure he stops hurting people. If you help I can get you all out," I whispered and his face now changed. Like hope was in it. "You need to trust and work with me. And if this plan works this place will be down in a week."

A knock came to the door and Valon moved from me. Dartz wondered in and my father was behind him staying behind the doorframe. "We will send Valon and someone else over to gather your things later. For now we would like to take you to the recording studio to test your voice," he said and I nodded.

He and Valon walked off, but my father stayed glaring at me from the door. "I told you that group and guy was bad news. Now he's dying in the hospital and the group is falling apart. Surprised you are not like them, going back to your old ways of dealing with this," he snickered and his voice makes me sick.

"Go rot in hell," I growled and he laughed walking into my room. He had his hand behind his back and when he pulled it from his back my face paled.

"Well if I'm going to hell I'm taking you with me," he said and pointed the gun to my head. "You run, you're dead. You tell anyone, you're dead. You try and stop master Dartz, you're dead. So be a good little doll and stay silent."

Dartz called him, making him roll his eyes and placed the gun away. After one more grin at me, he left and closed the door. I buckled on the ground, shaking and wanting to throw up. My phone pinged again and I got it out fast. Heba had messaged me again. And it was a long paragraph.

Littlehuman- We're outside, but it's locked? A woman gave us her number telling her  to message it. I asked her about you and I'm terrified of what she said. That we would never see you again unless it was on t.v. Yami and I swear, we will help from the outside no matter what. Just survive in there.

Oh, something to make you happy. I gave Yami the phone. Everything after this is him.

Yami's message-Baby, why did you do this? You could of stayed away, but you came back. Don't you dare think any of what has happened is your fault. This happened because we let it happen to us, we let ourselves take that dark path.

I've been told of what Dartz does, and I will kill him if he touches you. I'm putting a rule in. You message Heba every single day, at midnight and tell us what has happened. I still love you, I love you so much and I don't care what I have to do.

We will save you.

Yeah, I do hope all your seatbelts are buckled for this. I hope soon to end this story as well. It's my longest running story on this account and it has been a blast.

I know exactly how this will end and I am excited to see everyone's reaction to it.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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