Chapter 31

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Jason pov-

I smiled when I saw the art shop was open there barely any cars in the parking lot I parked my truck in front of the shop. I got out my truck and glanced at my face in the auto mirror it was still pretty bruised, but it didn't hurt to much just a slight throb same as my ribs they ached but I could still deal with it. I walked inside the store a bell dinged and inside smelt sweet, it made feel at peace I looked around there was a lot of art supplies neatly stacked.

I saw an elderly bear sitting at his counter he was painting something with ink I walked to him and waited if he notices me. But he didn't he continue to draw strange flower I cleared my throat I saw him lift up his head he smiled when he saw me, "well good morning young man" he said as he put his paintbrush on a metal tray. " you looked like your in pain are you alright" he asked I gave him a small smile " just a rough night" I answered, he nods " so how may I help you" I glanced at the sketchbook that was displayed at the window I was happy that no one got it yet.

"Umm I was wondering how much is that sketchbook over there," I said pointing to marron colored sketchbook that was sitting on a stand. He gives me a deep chuckle he got up and walked to the window and grabbed the sketchbook, "its free young man" he said I grinned luck was on my side again. " but to get it you have to me favor" I tilted my head " whats the favor" the elderly bear smiled and led me to his counter he told me take a seat so I sat down.

He then placed the sketchbook in front of me " you have to draw someone that is very close to you" he simply said I frowned. " but I don't have any experience of drawing" I said the male bear chuckled again he places a gentle hand on my shoulder " son anyone can draw " he said confidently.

I smiled when he said that I nod and grabbed a pencil that was in a cup I open the sketch to the first page. It took me a while for me think but then I remember the elderly bear word from earlier, "you have to draw someone close to you" I quickly thought of Alex I smiled and place the pencil on the paper then I tried to draw Alex and me.

Alex pov-

I was soon awake when I felt the rays of the sun hit my face I rolled over to avoid it so I could go back to sleep. But it was too late I was already awake I turned my attention to the door when I saw Samatha roll in with a tray of food, " good morning Alex I'm happy that your awake I brought you breakfast" she said smiling "  Doctor Stephen wants to know if you can eat solid food" she explained my body twitched. I didn't even like when they force fed me food as a liquid why would I like it now that it was solid it was only going to make sick to my stomach. Samatha tells me to sit up she then places the tray of food on my lap, she uncovers plastic that kept the food warm.

I stared at my meal it was making me sick I didn't want to eat I just wanted to go back to sleep "I'm not hungry" I said bluntly. Samantha gave me a sad look " Alex Doctor Stephen have noticed how thin your body is he could see your bones when he was stitching you up" she explained, I gripped the tray in anger my body was fine " we had to feed you through tubes last night to get something in you if you don't eat your breakfast I will have to inform Doctor Stephen and we will have feed you through tubes again" she said sternly I didn't say anything I kept staring at my breakfast I wanted to throw it on the floor.

On the tray was one flat pancake two link sausages and a cup of orange juice it made my stomach churn, I had to eat all this..... It was going to ruin my body.

"Now Alex I want you to eat your body needs it," she said calmly I sighed but nod "good I'll check on you again in a bit I have to see how the other patients are doing," she said smiling warmly. she walked to the door before she left my room she spoke again. "I'm proud that your going to eat your breakfast my daughter was your age  when she died from starving herself she wanted someone notice her but they never did I told her every day that she was beautiful but she would always get so angry at me even when I took her to the hospital the doctors couldn't anything to save her she was far too sick... I hope that you aren't starving yourself to get someone attention" she then leaves the room.

She was right on that I was starving myself for someone and that person was luna I don't care if it kills me. I just want Luna to love me and if have to make my body perfect for her I will, I stared at the pancakes I grabbed the fork that was by it and begin to cut them into small pieces I then would eat one at a time. I felt like puking when I half of the pieces of pancakes was done I stopped eating it and went to sausage, I just tore a bit off and chewed on it once I swallowed it I grabbed the orange juice and drank the whole thing until I felt full.

I place the unfinished tray on the table beside me and stared at my blanket my stomach turned when I could feel pieces of the food that I ate digest. My eyes drifted to the bathroom I wanted to get up from the bed and go in the there to vomit of this meal, but I didn't move I just sat in my bed and stared at the closed door of the bathroom it felt like it was tempting me to come inside. I ignored it by laying back down, I turned to my side I stared out the window watching as cars went by the hospital.

I turned over when I heard my door open it was Samatha she still had that warm smile on her face she walked inside. She went to the tray that was table she stilled smile when she saw the tray, but I saw in her eyes that she was sad....she was disappointed in me that I didn't eat all my breakfast. " I'm glad that you put something in your stomach," she said but I knew she was lying to me she wanted me to eat all of it." I can now inform Doctor Stephen that you can eat solid food" she explained I give her small nod and pulled my covers over my body even though it was morning I still wanted to sleep, Samantha checked my body and asked if I was in pain which I would answer yes or no.

She checked on my stitches and changed my iv she told me later on today that she would change my bandages and apply new ones. Once she was finished she headed to the door but I had question to ask it was weighing on my chest since last night, "Wait, Mrs. Samatha, how long am I staying here I really want to go home" I said " I'm not sure Alex I would have to ask doctor Stephen we have to make sure that your alright and no longer in pain but once I know I'll tell you" she replied kindly. A wave of dread and frustration went through me... I wanted to know now because I don't want to be here anymore. I know Jason told me it was a regular hospital but to me, it didn't feel like one it felt like I was being watched for everything I did wrong it was driving me insane. I give her a nod to tell that I understood she waves goodbye to me and leave my room, I sighed and tried to find a comfortable position the wraps on my arms were bothering me because I had the urge to cut. But I tried to ignore it and cover my head with my blanket so the sun wouldn't wake me up again then I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

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