Primrose Everdeen

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Percy had relived this memory every day since the event. He talked the Peacemakers into letting the kid go, since Sally was already dead, and he did what she would have done for the rest of the day. 

He wandered the Seam for hours, numbly giving away all of his food, all of his money. That night, he laid down, and rarely left the bed, never the house.

This time, though, the memory was cut short. There was a knock on the door. He ignored it; it had happened before. Two minutes later, however, he heard the door open, and sat up. He heard small footsteps approach his door. 

"Percy?" a little girl's voice asked. The door cracked open, and she poked her head in -- It was Primrose Everdeen. 

"Percy? are you okay?" she asked. Percy sighed. 

"No, Prim," he told her softly. "I'm not okay. I just want to be left alone."

"That's what she said you would say," she said thoughtfully. "But, Percy, it's been four days."

"What?" Percy asked. "Who said that?"

"I still think that I can help you," she said stubbornly. "I practice helping people who are not okay all the time with my mom."

Percy buried his face in his pillow so she wouldn't see him cry. "With your mom, huh?" he asked her.

She raised her tiny hands to her mouth. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to --"

"No, it's okay," Percy cut in gently. "Tell me about your mom. Maybe I'll tell you about mine."

"Oh, no. You don't need to tell me about your mom. Everybody knows about her!"

He nodded and took a deep breath. "Yeah, I guess they did, didn't they?" He almost managed a smile. 

Prim nodded seriously. "Yes. She was fantastic." She hugged herself. "I loved her."

Percy did manage a smile this time, remembering Sally give Prim's older sister Katniss two loaves of bread for a ratty old dress that nobody wanted. She had saved their lives, and the two families had been pretty close ever since. Not close enough to be good friends, but certainly close enough for Sally to remind her son how pretty Katniss was every time they saw each other. 

Not that Percy needed reminding. Ever since Percy had caught Katniss while she was out hunting with Gale, he'd harbored a secret crush on her. He had never revealed himself, and she was still unaware that he was a hunter as well. He was perfectly fine with keeping it that way. 

His mind snapped back to the present when Prim continued talking. "Percy..." she started, hesitating, "do you want to come live at our house?"

He blinked. "Why would you want me there?" he asked her. "I probably wouldn't be very helpful. I mean, look at me now, just sitting around and starving myself. I can barely move!"

She gasped. "Really!? But you guys always have food!"

Percy laughed. "We always did for you," he told her, ruffling her hair. "I gave it all away that night." He didn't have to specify which night. 

He froze. What had just happened? He had laughed. He actually laughed!

"Alright, Prim, I'll do whatever you want. But you never told me why I should come live with you guys," he pointed out.

Prim thought for a moment. "Well, I always wanted a big brother, and I could help you get better, and also it would make Katniss happy," she said, listing them out on her fingers.

"Oh really?" Percy asked casually. "Why would it make her happy?"

"Well, you see --" Prem's eyes widened and she covered her mouth in horror. 

"What?" he asked, feigning innocence.

"Nothing," she said too quickly. "We had better get going." Red as a tomato, she hopped off the side of his bed where she'd been sitting and walked out the door.

"Wait up!" Percy called. "I've got to get ready!"

"Oh, yeah, well, okay," Prim said. "Is it going to take long?"

Percy smiled -- again -- and shook his head. "No, I don't have much." Prim looked at him skeptically and he rolled his eyes.

"Want to help me pack?" he asked. "It'll go way faster."

She nodded several times. "Yes. Okay," she said, scampering around his room and gathering clothes. 

Percy smiled, for the fifth time that day, and thought, just maybe, he would be alright.

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