First Kill

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Glimmer caught herself staring at Percy again and made herself look away. Why did he have this effect on her?

Actually, she knew the answer to that question. He had "this effect" on every girl he met, regardless of whether they were attracted to men or not. Everything about his appearance was perfect, from his facial features to his beautifully sculpted body. The Capitol loved him that way even more than they did Finnick. The main difference was that he didn't seem to realize it. He didn't even realize that the entire female population and half the males in the Capitol were planning on sponsoring him even before they saw him fight.

She had heard that Finnick himself was particularly vocal about his support, and Glimmer knew why. That poor man. Glimmer's parents had rented out his... services in the past. He was the only one who understood her and saw beneath the excited exterior to the fear. He was the only one who could see that blinding fear of what she was going to do -- volunteer for the Hunger Games -- and, likewise, she seemed to be the only one who saw that he didn't enjoy what he was forced into.

If Percy were to win, Finnick would gain a companion, as well as a break from his... work. Although she would love to see his suffering alleviated, the thought of Percy being forced to do everything Finnick had to made her almost glad he wasn't planning to survive. 

Additionally, Katniss had a new depth of character in Glimmer's mind. Percy's story about Katniss, her sister, and her efforts to save her family from starvation at only twelve years old solidified Glimmer's decision to help her. Katniss's odds were now heavily in her favor. What tribute had ever had a team inside the arena rooting for their success? Forget the team; was it even possible to lose with Percy this devoted to your success?

Glimmer shook her head. There was planning to do. The one thing about her that had always fit in with District 1 was her intense dramatic flare. If she was going to die, she was going to do it with style. There were losing tributes who left a legacy in the past. She was going to be one of them. 

*                *                *

Glimmer woke up cold. She was sleeping on a comfortable pad with a single blanket over her, and she was freezing. She groaned as she tried to force her brain to start working. She hadn't been cold when she went to bed. Percy was basically a furnace when he slept, which was lucky because the nights were getting colder and colder. 

Oh! Percy was gone.



Glimmer shot upright, suddenly wide awake as she looked around frantically, nearly giving herself whiplash. She had no weapon and hadn't the least bit of survival knowledge; she had no delusions that she would survive longer than a day without Percy. He would never leave her, though. She knew that. But then where was he?

As she calmed down, she registered the crackling of a fire behind her, and the heat against her back. She turned around to see Percy slowly spinning the a spit over the flames, something big skewered on it. She almost laughed at the expression on Percy's face -- he looked bored out of his mind. 

His stick that he had been carving was laying next to him, finally done, apparently. He looked over at her and grinned.

"Well that was dramatic," he said. "I could almost hear the background music they were playing back at the Capitol." 

He dropped into the persona of an over dramatic guest commentator, lowering his voice and using exaggerated hand gestures.

"As Glimmer wakes up, she realizes that she's been abandoned," he intoned. "Her companion, the incredibly talented and gorgeous Perseus Jackson, seems to be nowhere to be found. As our dear golden-haired heroine realizes she is alone, she does an impressive one-rep speed sit-up. Imagine the sexy abs it would've taken to do that! Oh, my, is she looking for him or trying to break her own neck? Glimmer's anxiety wears off as she realizes the underwhelming truth -- Percy is sitting right behind her. Well that was boring. Anyways, on to the people killing each other..."

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