Part 1

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"Oh Harry,Ginny he's adorable!"Hermione mused.They were in the St Mungos Maternity ward and Ginny was having her visting hour,that Ron and Hermione were happy to attend.

Ginny still looked a bit tired but a proud smile had spread across her face."Thanks,Hermione.Harry and I were actually wondering-and we don't want to pry-but when are the two of you going to try for a baby?"

A awkward silence lurked for a few seconds as Ron and Hermione exchanged awkward glances."Well...umm we are still thinking about it..."Hermione half stutter-mummbled.

Hermione felt ashamed but she couldn't help feeling glad the visit was over.Once she and Ron had floo powdered home,Hermione burst into noisey tears." 'Mione,please"Ron begged,hating seeing his beloved wife cry(even though she looked enchanted when she did),As he cuddled her affectionately."I'm sorry,Ron I just can't help it.I want a baby so bad..."Ron felt pity for Hermione and disappointment in himself.

"We just need to keep trying"Ron whispered into Hermiones hair."Keep trying!"Hermione burst,ripping out of Rons arms,tears streaming down her face."Keep trying,Ron,we've been trying for three years!THREE YEARS!Theres no more hope in trying!"Hermione yelled the hurtful words before running into their bedroom to cool down,Hermione's temper had seemed to be quite short lately.

Meanwhile Harry and Ginny sat with their beautiful cherished baby boy,a mistake they made one night.A good mistake.

Ron sat at the dinning room table for what felt like eternity,head in his hands until he felt a hand gently touch his shoulder.Hermione wrapped her arms around Rons neck reasting her head on his shoulder."I guess there is some hope,what do you think?"Hermione said calmly.

Ron got up and passionately kissed Hermione on the lips.Finally the stronger Hermione he knew and loved.Hermione giggled "How about we take this to the bedroom?"Ron smiled in agreement,ready for a rollarcoaster of a night.

A few weeks later Ron was awoken by a suprised scream" 'Mione!"he leapt out of bed and ran to the bathroom where the scream had come from.

"Ron"The bathroom door flew open.Hermione was holding a prgnancy test but threw it aside as she leapt on to Rons arms."We've done it!"Hermiones voice wavered and she cried happy tears"Lets go tell Harry and Ginny!".

Hermione ran to the fireplace"Mione look at yourself!"Ron laughted, Hermione looked down at he rwhite silk night gowna and back up at Ron in his Burgundy boxer shorts.She joined in laughing,too.

"Lets get changed first"Ron said trailing up the stairs,Hermione could have sworn she saw a skip in his step.

HEY!! Update: Please go check out my Malfoy fanfiction! It's from the POV of Draco's younger sister (it's a band AU where she is in a band with the Weasley twins and ginny :)))

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