Part 4

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It was close coing into winter which also means holidays and Hermione and Ron were off work.Ron was upset because work helped him to forget his grief,but Hermione took the hit harder then expected(seeing as she is a very tough person).

Since the day she'd found out she had miscarried Hermikne had laid in bed with the sheets pulled up to her nose,either crying silently or sleeping.She completely ignored Ron when he brought her breakfast or cuddled into her at night,all she did was push him away and envelop herself in her own bubble of grief.

Harry and Ginny had given Ron and Hermione space but after two weeks they knew they had to intercept.

When they arrived st the Weasley-Granger house,Ron was in the lounge sitting on the couch and staring at the blurring tv blankly and Hermione was presumably upstairs.

"Hey mate"Harry said sitting next to Ron on the couch and putting a friendly hand on his shoulder"Hows things?".

Ron shook his head"Harsh".

Ginny stood up"Is Hermione upstairs?"

Ron noded his head sadly

"I'm going to talk to her"Ginny stood up and handed James to Harry before walking upstairs to the master bedroom were Hermione was.

She was lying in bed with the covers pulled up over her head.Ginny sat at the end of the bed and pulled down the blanket,Hermione lay awake with red puffy eyes,tear stained cheeks and a pale face.

"Hey"Ginny whispered"Go away you don't understand"Hermione rolled over and shit her eyes.

"Come on Hermione I know your hurting but you need to get out of bed".Hermione sat up at that,propped up with her elbows "GET OUT"She said through gritted teeth.

"What?"Ginny said,suprised"You don't understand AT ALL!"Hermione said getting louder "I've lost a child how would YOU FEEL IF YOU LOST JAMES?!?!GET OUT!"Hermione screamed the words,swiftly getting up out of bed and staring at the unmoved Ginny.

"No"Ginny said camly and firmly.Before Hermione could move the door burst open"Whats going on?"Harry was cradling a scared,crying James.

"We should leave"Said Ginny grabbing James and pulling Harrys arm.Harry gave flushed,red-faced Hermione a look of astonishment.Hermione looked away,nose in the air.

Ron was waiting at the end of the stairs"Sorry"he
Whispered as Harry Ginny and James floo powdered home.

Hermione came down to the living room for the first time in weeks."She thinks she can come into my house,come in my room,sit on my bed and tell me to get over the fact that I've lost the child I've been trying to have for years...".

Ron didn't know what to say his self cnflict was too much,wife or sister?Hermione did have a point,or was Ginny right?

Hermione had been a bit soft and she hadn't even meet the child.But yet again Hermione did finally have a chance.That was it,Ron was Going to bed.

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