Part 9(Epic conclusion)

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Hermione often walked down to the creak down a gully by the house to clear her head, occasionally bringing a book but one time while she was down there something different happened...

"Oh Merlin"Hermione gasped in pain, clutching her round stomach"I think I'm in labour!"Hermione thought not the need to bring her wand when she took her trips to the creak and cursed.

She grasped a big rock beside her and tried to pulled herself up, it took her several times before she got to standing position but as soon as she took a step a blazing contraction hit her full force sending her to her knees.

She cried out in pain,once the contraction blew over she tried to stand again,but after failing for a second time she knew she'd only injure herself more.

Panicking she began to cry...

Meanwhile Ron was with Harry at the Burrow helping Mrs Weasley prepare a Sunday roast.

"This is so difficult you know!"She huffed agitatedly"Did the old me ever find cooking easier?"

Ron put a hand on Mrs Weasley shoulder"It's ok mum,just remember what the healer said your still recovering,go have a rest me and Harry can take it from here"

Mrs Weasley smiled at her youngest son and disappeared from the kitchen.Harry and Ron not knowing much about actually cooking just stood around.

"So how's Hermione going?"Harry asked gently.

"Yeah,Really good She's at home she said she'd aparate here at four"Ron consulted the special family clock.

Hermione's name was pointing to 'Needs Help'."That's strange"Said Ron"I better see what's wrong"

With that he quickly aparated to the Weasley-Granger house,Hermione was no were to be seen.

" 'Mione"He yelled peering  into different rooms.

" 'Mione?,'Mione! please where are you?!"

Hemione could have sworn she heard Ron calling her.

"Ron?"She whispered"RON!"

Ron could have sworn he'd heard Hermione calling him,running out the French slid doors and  heard a far away call.


" 'MIONE!WHERE ARE YOU?"He bellowed out into there paddocks of backyard.

"THE CREAK!"Hermione called out,Ron imediatly knew were to go.He ran like never before,beads of sweat forming on his brow.

Once he finally made it to
Hermione she was sitting on the ground by a rock a puddle of blood around her.

" 'Mione..."He whipsered sitting down beside her and pulling her into a hug."What happened?What do I do?"

"I'm in La-argh!"Hermione threw back her head and grasped her stomach once again.Ron knew what to do,He quickly but carefully picked Hermione up bridal style and apparted her to St Mungos.

When he approached the counter the nurse immediately lead Ron to a room where he lay Heione on a bed,a Doctor entered looking grave.

He checked Hermione as the Nurse gave her pain killers."She has lost a lot of blood all ready but she's going to be alright Bridget let's start labour proceedings please".

Bridget put Hermione into a Hospital gown."Let's build you up buttercup"Bridget said fondly smiling at Hermione.Much screaming,pain,sweat,tears and blood later a baby had finally been born.

The whole family had been allerted of the news and came to see the new baby.

Ron held it up like he'd seen in the movie Lion King that Hermione had forced him to watch a few rainy Fridays ago.

"Our little Molly,It took a while but at long last we have a child"Hermione said,a proud smile on her face.

When everyone else had gone home Ron lay next to Hermione on her hospital bed with little baby Molly between them,they shared a passionate kiss and fell into a peaceful slumber...

Dun Dun Dun!Epic conclusion and my favourite chapter so far.

Sorry I was a little less persistent near the end of the book but now it's over I will be focused more on my other fanfics (Witches Without Wands)

I hope this has satisfied you and that you have enjoyed reading this fanfic and I truly hope it has made you feel Fuller no matter how crappy it is.

Go read my friends fanfics  too please and comment who's are better(we are really competitive😂).Our styles are fairly different but we have agreed we are pretty even.

Finished 12 May 2019

Lots and lots and lots of love to my amazing and loyal fans

HEY!! Update: Please go check out my Malfoy fanfiction! It's from the POV of Draco's younger sister (it's a band AU where she is in a band with the Weasley twins and ginny :)))

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