Part 5

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Hermione was reluctant to getting out of bed even once the holidays were over,However one day a little after Hermione had heard Ron leave for work ther ewas a bang of pots down stairs.

No one,not even family,would just come in without permission or without Hermione and Ron knowing they were there.

Hermione got up and grasp her wand thet had sat unusedand lonely on her bed side for the past month.

Tip-toeing down stairs Hermione relised that it was only sweet,but fierce,Mrs Wealsley downstairs.

"What are you doing here?"Sighed Hermione with mostly relief and a tiny bit of annoyance which she immediately regretted because of her high regards of respect for Mrs Weasley.

"Well, its nice to see you too,dear"Mrs Weasley,unfazed,as she continues her process of cooking"Have you jad breakfast yet?"

Hermione shook her head and sat down at the dinning table "I thought you were an intruder"Hermione apologised.

Mrs Weasley laughted."I sure got you out of bed though,didn't I?"

That made Hermione angry"oh thats what this is about?Your all still trying to get me out of bed?".

Hermione stood up and continued to rant as she began to walk up stairs"It would be SO nice if you all just left me alone!I have to much on my mind,it was me I killed it ME MY FAULT!I simply want to be alone..."

Mrs Wealey grabbed Hermiones wrist."Wait!I need to talk to you,I think it will help"

Hermione could hear the urgency in Mrs Weasleys voice,so of course obeyed.

In a matter of minutes,Mrs Wealey hed Hermione sitting on the couch"Your going to tell me something I've heard a million times.."Hermione started,but Mrs Weasley held up her for finger to signal quiet.

"Bill Weasley was not my first child,in fact,he was my third"Mrs Wealsey spoke wisely keeping an eye on Hermione.

"I prevailed as some mothers must and,in the end,raised six healthy children...its not the end just yet Hermione and its not your fault babies,miscarries,they all happen naturally"

Later on Ron came home to Hermione standing in the doorway,with her best lingerie just sticking out from under her emerald green dressing gown.

" 'mione"Ron breathed,speechless,as he slowly walked towrds Hermione.

Hermione put a hand on either side of his cheeks and pulled him down to her height.

Gently Hermione kissed Ron on the lips.Then for a second time more passionate,Ron wrapped his arms around Hermiones waist.

"Lets take this upstairs" Hermione whispered,burrowing her head into Rons chest and smelling Rons on so familiar scent.

'Oh,how I've missed him'Hermione thought as the two of them walked hand in hand up the stairs...

AN:Sorry I haven't posted in AGES!But I found writing this part of 'Why Me?' Very heart felt and I hope y'all see there will be some light at the end of the tunnel for Hermione and Ron!

-Shout out to Myheadhurts23 this amazing gal is so inspiring-Thx

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