Part 7

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Once Ron and Hermione arrived at St Mungos they were ushered into a room filled with the Weasley family members.

In the hospital room there was the normal hospital stuff with a patient lying motionlessly on a bed in the middle of he room,apart from their chest rising and falling rhythmically,they were still.

That patient was Molly Wealsey,Ron gasped when he saw his mother attached to wires,looking very pale and lying painfully still.

"Oh,mum..."He whispered covering his mouth with his hand.He stood next to Hermione and she hugged him affectionately.

Ron was taken in to the hallway so that Arthur and a nurse could explain the situation.

"We think she dropped a pot on her head when getting it from a top shelf,we don't really know,but when we found her"-Arthur gulped,a tear trickling down his cheek-"She was  on the floor with her head bleeding and there was traces of blood on the pot"Arthur struggled to recount the events to Ron and Hermione,but the real shock came when it was the nurses turn to speak...

"She will awaken during the next few hours,but we fear she is affected by mild amnesia,She will already know her general knowledge,how to walk and talk,but she won't remember whom she is or you are"

Ron was just as shocked as everyone else but with all the stress with Hermione not being able to have a baby and this as well he just couldn't take it.Ron fell in to Hermikens arms crying.

"Let's go home,you need some rest"Hermione said,before apparating the two of them home.

When the pair arrived home Ron fell into bed and Hermione prepared dinner,she had call Ginny and apologized and she was expecting her old friend for dinner.

"Knock,knock"Ginny said as she walked into the kitchen of Hermione and Ron's house.

"Ginny,I'm so sorry,i swear it was the hormones,I feel terrible after whats happened-"

Ginny pulled Hermione into a hug."Its ok,I forgive you".

Hermione and Ginny enjoyed their dinner and left someover for when Ron when he felt up to eating.

"I have an appointment tomarrow,the one where they tell you the gender,But I'm not sure I want to know"Hermione was catching up Ginny on her pregnancy.

Ginny placed a hand on Hermiones baby bump."I want to know" she whospered gently."And maybe you have to diffrent stuff with each gender and knowing the gender would mean keeping even more healthy".

Ginny was always good at persuading,but it wasn't Ginny that persuaded Hermione to chose to find out the gender.She felt she just had to.

Sorry this was $**t and really short,I felt bad for not posting and I have been thinking this chapter over in my head a lot for the last month.

I'm glad I have finally posted but I feel really low about this story rn,I need your feedback as weather to delete or not...

Also make sure you cheak out my new story F•r•i•e•n•d•s (Also Harry Potter and has no relation to 'Friends' the TV show).Its a lot better then this and I'm enjoying it.Thx for reading.
Lots of♡

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