Part 6

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Two months later Hermione was pregnant again,but this time she wasn't as excited.

Everything was presuring her,she felt she was replacing her misscarried child and she was anxious she was going to end another little life.

Ron had noticed Hermione's odd behaviour,so when they got into bed that night he decided to intervene.

" 'mione"Ron said sitting in bed, watching his beautiful wife reading a book,in bed,crouched on her small babybump.

"Yes Ron"Hermione looked up from her book.

"You've been a bit off lately and I...well wondered what was up"

"I'm fine honestly"Hermione said quickly.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I did this?"

Ron crawled across the bed towards Hermione and snuggled up beside her.

He tilted up her chin with his fingers and their eyes locked.Leaning down,he could feel the gap between them getting smaller...and smaller...

Until their mouths touched and they kissed passionately,each of their mouths fitting together perfectly.

When they broke apart Hermione whispered,"I'm just so worried..."

"There is nothing to worry about because I'm right here"Ron was leaning in for another kiss when there was a bang down stairs.

Ron leaped to the door,but it had already burst open and it was Harry.

"Molly's in hospital,they sent me to get you,they still don't know whats wrong but they think she has a head injury after a pot fell on her head"

Harry spoke in a big rush,panicking the already panicked Hermione and Ron.

"We'll get their right away..."

5 years ago:
"Ron!"Hermione was watching Ron mess about on his broon at the quidditch field."Your going to-"

But it was to late Ron was falling from high up in the air.Hermione was already running out to the field.


Ron was lying on the ground moaning gently,Hermione sat beside him on her knees.

"I'm sorry!"She sobbed"I was silly enough not to bring my wand"

Ron laughed a little"We could just go to Madam Pomfrey"

Hermione giggled and leant down kissing Ron gently.They both blushed and pulled away.

"HERMIONE!"Cormac Mclagen had been watching the whole episode between Hermione and Ron.

"Oh crap"Hermione muttered as cormac aproached.

"What the HELL are you doing with my girlfriend Weasley!".

Ron tried to sit up but he gasped and laid back down.

"It was nothing..."Hermione whispered to her knees.

"NOTHING,hmm!,This is it Hermione your always snuggling up to this prick,I've had it you go off and be happy but don't run back to me when you get bored!"

Cormac marched off angrily and Hermione giggled.

"Your not mad?"Ron asked.

"Of course not,I'd much rather be with you"Hermione kissed the tomato red Ron again "We'd get you to Madam Pomfrey then?"

The pear giggled and slowly enjoyed the walk to Madam Pomfrey.♡\\

Sorry this chapter was a bit odd I was a bit inspired by a piece I read the other day and this is what came out of my brain,

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