Chapter 8

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Molly made a slow but sure recovery,having a large family didn't help the fact that she had to re learn everyone and her place.

She cried when she was told one of her son's was dead,She laughed when George said he owned a Joke shop and she smiled when she heard all of her children were happily married.

Hermione was now well into her pregnancy and very healthy Molly,Ron and Ginny came to her scan and it was revealed she was having a little girl.

Ron and Hermione had agreed if it was a boy the middle name would be Fred and if it was a girl the first name would be Molly.

Molly was overjoyed when she heard the news and claimed that Molly would be her first grandchild,She had to be reminded that she,infact,already had grandchildren.This was quite a laugh.

Ron and Hermione agreed not to have sex just in case it affected the baby,but they offten snuggled up at night talking about there worries querris and all of the above.

Hermione often walked down to the creak down a gully by the house to clear her head, occasionally bringing a book but one time while she was down there something different happened...

i am So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SO sorry I have been so busy with my other two fanfics(Finding my feet and Witches without wands)that I haven't had any time to write about my Romione fanfic.The next chapter I write on this will be the last and if it wasn't for the support I wouldn't have continued anyway.I hope my next chapter will satisfy you.Sorry again,hate alllll you want on my lazyness!

P.s my other fanfics are better than this check them out if you like this you will like them(@_@).Sorry again love y'all!

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