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For the past four weeks, Sandra and Diamond have been asking me to let loose and get my head out of my books to go and have some fun.

One thing that confuses me is that my dear Sandra goes out way too much, but she doesn't drink. Diamond interrogated her more than enough to get some shit out of her but all she said was, "it doesn't taste good". Though she didn't seem satisfied with the answer, she let it go. Temporarily of course.

"Lulu please!!!!! Come with us. You know, you might get laid", I looked at Diamond confused of what she just said.

Sandra then threw a pillow in Diamond's direction - her aiming is the worst - and said, "Diar what the fudge fuck is wrong with you? You said the worst thing that isn't close to convincing her". Sandra has been calling Diamond that, but what inspired her? No one knows.

"Yeah Diar", I said mimicking Sandra.

"Okay. Lubinga", putting some stress to my name. "You won't be alone. I promise you that if you don't like being there we will leave, but before we leave you will have to stay for like 30 minutes and then we will go and never ask you to come with us ever. And about getting laid..." she then looked at me and said, "I was joking okay not everyone gets laid at parties and I wanted to lighten up the mood".

"When is the party?" I asked.

"Tomorrow", they both said in unison.

"Guys, tomorrow is Friday and I normally have some alone time on Friday nights". I said.

"To do what, Masturbate?" Diamond said with some sass. OK this girl will kill me at some point 'cause I'm speechless.

"Diar, are you horny? 'Cause all you've been talking about is sex related", I was really wondering.

"No, I just want you to come to the party with us", I could see her blushing deeply with embarrassment, "It's not too far from here and we will be together. Sandra aren't you going to convince the young girl?" she turned to Sandra who was devouring some chocolate chip cookies just next to the couch on the floor.

"Yeah, Lulu just the three of us. It's not that far and if it will make you feel even more safe, today I'm collecting my car from my cousin, the mechanic". She wiped her mouth and faced Diamond, ''Diar, you will spend a night here right?".

"Yes girl. Lulu?", she came and sat next to me and took my hand in her hand.

"OK. But if I don't like it, we are out". I said seriously.

Sandra offered me some cookies which we munched like no other while watching TV. Diamond was focused on her phone.

"What do you do on Friday nights alone?" Sandra asked and Diamond put her phone on her lap and looked at me curiously.

"I read a book and watch some series and I eat then sleep", I said looking at them weirdly.


"Hey", Diamond came in our room.

"Yoh Diar, did you bring the stuff?" Sandra asked.

"You guys do drugs?" I asked 'cause the 'stuff' was probably a code name for something.

"No you freak, it's your dress", Diamond said and I looked at her so perplexed.

"You dumb fuck!! I had my ways of convincing her on wearing that dress, but way to go Diar", she said with such a disappointed look.

"I'm not wearing a dress guys", I said looking at both of them.

"Yeah, I know. Thanks Diar", Sandra said eyeing Diamond.

"Okay, Sandra I get it. That wasn't a smart move", raising her hands in surrender, Diamond threw herself on my bed.

"What time are we leaving?'' I asked.

"By 7:30 my darling", Sandra replied.


It was 7:00pm and we had eaten already, but I felt so empty.

I have never gone to a party before in my life. Back in highschool I never associated that much, I hate crowded places with some crazy passion.

So for my first party I decided to go with something comfortable and not too eye catching. So I put on my usual style; black high waist jeans, light grey tank top, a dark grey cardigan and black and white vans. I'm obsessed with Afros, but tonight I put my hair up in a puffy bun. The girls wanted to do my make-up but I let them know that it was light make-up or nothing. And light make-up I got.

After 15 minutes we started to get ready to leave and I was getting a little anxious, but I quickly calmed myself.

"Okay bitches", Diamond said as we entered Sandra's car.

It was an Audi Q5. Okay this is another damn thing Sandra and I have in common - the LOVE for the Audi.


When we got to her cousin's auto repair shop, she introduced us to her cousin and left us at some waiting section as she went away with her cousin. May I just be honest, Sandra's cousin is good looking. After some time Sandra came with her cousin and he was smiling at me - I want to believe so - then he handed Sandra the keys.

"Drive safe guys", he said while looking at me. OK I'm not being weird but he's Fucking checking me out - I want to believe.

After some time we said our goodbyes and left. When we got in the car I complimented everything sincerely.

"Sandra your cousin is hot", I couldn't keep my mouth shut. "What's his name?", I asked with so much curiosity.

"George and he thinks you are hot too. He's 24 btw", she said looking at me as we approached a red light.. Diamond was in the backseat while I was in the passenger's seat.

After we dropped Diamond at her house - just a 10 minutes drive from our home - we went to some take out and got some food 'cause we were lazy today.


We got at the party a little after 7:50pm because Diamond wanted to go at her house and get something which took forever to find.

I was afraid and I don't know why, but I brushed the feeling away.


I'm truly grateful and please vote beautiful people

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