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When we got to the house it was louder than I expected. But I made sure to have my hand wrapped around Sandra's arm because we were just the two of us. Our dear Diar left the moment Cedric came around, actually we had to chase them because they started to mouth fuck each other and we couldn't take it.

The house was huge, and was filled with college students and some young ones too. This place was further away from home. These bitches tricked me.

Sandra and I went to the kitchen which took us centuries to find - I'm not exaggerating, this crib is humongous. When we got to the kitchen we found couples smooching - it's not as good as it looks in the telenovelas - while others were having some heated discussion. Sandra then opened the fridge and I got a bottle of water and she got ice cream. Okay this isn't the type of hospitality I thought they offered.

This place was huge even outside. We went by the pool area and it was packed, we went from scene to scene and I graduated from being innocent 'cause all I saw was beyond PDA. Then we decided to go beyond the pathway that was joint with the little garden and we found ourselves on some hill-like place. We made ourselves comfortable and she started asking me if I was enjoying. What the hell?!?

"So tell me about your first kiss, like honestly I'm not buying that 'I've never kissed a boy' shit my dear Lulu", Sandra said looking at me attentively.

"Sandra, I've never kissed a boy ever. I got virgin lips okay", I said putting more emphasis on the 'virgin lips'. Well plenty might say it is weird but being the different one in a crowd is a 'trending' thing.

"Jade, you are lying. I wish Diar was here, we would have pressured you like never before. Come on I can keep secrets, I'm not buying that", she looked at me with a smile not reaching her ears and my curiosity took the best of me 'cause I could still see traces of sadness on her face.

"Sandra, I fucking trust you okay. I'm being for real when I say I've never kissed a guy but I can tell you some fantasy about the Hemsworth brothers", I said smiling and winking in the process earning a good laugh.

''Sandra?" I said pampering myself to quit being fake and just ask no matter what.

"Yeah?", she smiled, but I could see the sadness in her eyes and she knew what was coming her way 'causw she flinched when she noticed my facial expression that was filled with care. She's become my sister you know.

"What really is bothering you?" I said with concern written on my face.

"N-nothing", she stuttered. OMG something is so damn wrong.

"Sandra, you know I'm here by your side. We are more than friends. We both know that 'friends' is a word with seven letters, with no meaning today in our society. But what I know is that friends are people who stick together through thick and thin, and you know I got you", I moved closer to her and held her hand in mine then I noticed her eyes had started to glitter with tears about to pour then I pulled in for a comforting and loving hug while she sobbed for quite a while.

"Sorry", she sat upright but didn't let go of my hand.

"I'm right here Sandra and if you don't feel like talking about this now, I will wait for you to be comfortable. But you are fucking telling me before Monday", I said with finality in my voice then she gave a smile and hugged me and got to her feet.

I sat down wondering if we were going now so I asked, "are we leaving?".

"No, not yet we've been here for like an hour or more and I want to pee", she said and I nodded my head then she left.

I pulled my phone out and checked the time. Well damn it's 9:15pm right now.

Sandra has been gone for quite some time so I waited a little longer. Then I got to my feet and went in the direction Sandra took as she got the call of nature. Suddenly, a tall guy falls down just a few feet away from me and I stand still waiting for him to get to his feet, but he doesn't move a muscle.

So here I am debating within myself if I should go and check if the man is okay or if he's dead. Maybe I should call for help just in case he's dead.

Then I heard him groan in pain. It turns out he's been asking for help and I just stood there like I was on voice command. So I went towards him and he winced when I tried to help him up. To my surprise this fucker turned out to be fine when I put his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey baby", he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist so tight I couldn't free myself. He began to drag me further into some bush I never noticed, and he immediately pushed me against a tree and I yelped in pain as my back made contact with the tree.

He then started to touch my body and abused my neck. I hit him with my hands, but nothing. I tried pushing him yet, to no avail.

"You little bitch", he brought his lips towards mine and I kept dodging him, "so you are playing hard to get huh?".

The next thing you know I have my fingers pressing against his eyes, and I kick him hard in his balls - treat women with respect you animal - and I ran as quickly as possible.


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