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Today, Sandra and I woke up super late because we slept late last night.

It's weird that people are fully awake when they take coffee. Well for me it's just a glass of water and I'm up.

Sandra and I are on a different level of friendship right now, 'cause last night she told me her story with Jonathan and I told her what happened on Friday night - she kept asking me none stop.

"Whore!!!" OK I know that beautiful creature and it's none other than Diamond aka Diar. She jumped on my bed as I was wearing my shoes.

Every morning, Diamond comes here first then we go to school 'cause our apartment is like a 10 minutes walk away.

So since we were late I just grabbed two green apples (my favorite), but lucky Sandra; she wasn't having classes until 11am and it was only 8:40am and my First Class doesn't start until 9:00am. I wish I didn't stay up late..

I left the house with Diamond by my side, though, she didn't have class until 2pm but we all know she's going for Cedric.

"How long have you and Cedric been together?" I asked 'cause I was curious, as always.

"Two years my darling", she said and I could tell she was happy when she spoke about him.

"Wow!! And you still fancy him?" I asked 'cause two years sounded like a lot of work to me.

"Yeah. I still fancy him and if you are wondering, yes we had sex but only once 'cause I also believe in no sex before marriage but then it just happened on our first year anniversary. I wasn't thinking straight at that moment but I don't regret it". She told me too much and I wasn't even going to ask but I'm shocked she's celibate. I'm not judging nor questioning her 'cause it's not my business. I wondered if he was the one who deflowered her.

"Ohhh hey", she stopped and looked at and said, ''yes my poor innocent child, he was my first actually he is my first". Damn, is she a mind reader or am I thinking out loud?

"Yes Lulu. I am a mind reader", she started laughing and I stopped in my trucks and looked at her.

"How the hell?" I was beyond shocked. Cause I know I say a lot shit.

She laughed even louder that people started staring at us then she whispered, "you were thinking out loud". Ohhhh fudge..


When my last class ended I went to some water fountain to fill my water bottle. Then I saw some Greek god pass by, damn he was gorgeous, his hair was dark as night (I know it sounds all Snow White but I'm being for real) he must be at least 6'5 tall 'cause it corresponds perfectly with my 5'8. When his eyes met mine, I noticed his eyes were grey and grey is my favorite color, of all fucking times. Our eyes met just for a second, nothing more than that because I looked away when my bottle was full. Then I immediately turned around to see if he was there but there was no sign. OK dear universe if this is some kind of joke, please stop right now.


I got home before Sandra, she was having evening classes. So I took this as an opportunity to talk to my parents. Actually I had nothing to do and I missed my two favourite people.

I called my mum.

"My baby!!!!" she shouted, I think my ear drum just shifted 'cause it was too loud.

"Mother", I said while smiling. I was happy to hear her voice, I've been away from her for 3 months now.

"Ohhh my baby, how are you?" she asked with excitement.

"I'm good. I miss you and daddy too", I said sincerely.

"We miss you too. Though I'm not with your dad right now", she said.

"Where is he?" I asked with a pinch of worry.

"Ohhh Lulu my baby, he's home don't worry. I just went to buy him some fruits. He just came from a trip last night and he's still tired", she washed my worry away.

''Ohhh tell him to rest-", I was cut off by my mum.

"Any handsome son of mine there?" she asked. I knew I should have told her I would call when dad was there but what the heck I missed her.

"Okay, today I saw some good looking guy OMG his thick, beautiful neck and his very appealing jaw looked amazing and a good bite would take me to heaven in one blink", I told her.

"Lubinga Jade Williams??" she called out and the bubbly mother was long gone. I knew it.

"Yes ma'am", I answered.

"No boys. You bite his neck and jaw then what?" she asked and I mentally crucified myself for not knowing better.

''Mum, I was talking about one of the Hemsworth brothers'' I told her lamely.

"You better talk about them young lady, but how are your studies?'' she asked.

"They are going great mother", I replied. There was a long pause then she said.

"I'm sorry, but I just don't want you having sex with the hottest guy on campus. Not all are saints my baby and I don't want you getting hurt. Most guys just want to satisfy their needs and that's it. Then some females get emotionally attached and distracted", she said, "I don't want my baby to be part of those females".

"Thanks mummy, I won't do that and you have my word", I assured her.

We talked for a little longer then we said our goodbyes and stuff.

I started to cook dinner. I love to cook but I hate doing the dishes so I decided to cook a quick and easy meal.

I was eating in the living room while watching 'Grey's Anatomy' Lord this stuff is the one.

Soon, Sandra came in looking so tired then I noticed a black eye.

Ooooooooooh SHIT..


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