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Cassandra stood up and excused herself. I got up but on my way to my room, I heard a knock at the door. In my head I'm a little confused 'cause it was 6pm and what do people want at this time of the day. I opened the door without asking who it was and Jonathan stood there on our door step. I looked at him with my eyes wide open.

"Bestie! Is Ca..." he asked.

" Can you just wait here", I cut him short and shut the door.

I ran to Cass' room and barged in without knocking and praise the Lord, I found her seated on the bed, on her phone.

"Cass", I whispered.

" Shhhhh", she put up her finger telling me to wait but I couldn't wait.

"Jonathan is here", I whisper-shouted. She looked at me wide eyed - clearly shocked and I'm nervous for her- begging me to chase him.

" Whe-where is h-he?" she was stuttering at this point.

"I left him at the door step. Outside". I told her.

" Lu please tell him, I moved". she begged.

"Cass, running away will clearly make the situation more of a burden and what you fear will happen. You need to talk to him. I know and I see it, girl he truly cares for you. At least give him this, you need to be stress free 'cause your health is at hand. Of course he will be mad but in the end he will understand. Besides, I got you",  I told her. She looked at me with pleading eyes and looked away taking a deep breath.

" Okay, tell him to come in my room", she whispered.

"Okay, I will be in the living room", I hugged her and went to open the door for Jonathan.

" Lulu, what's goi-" I raised my hand.

"Cass, is in her room", I told him and he looked at me.

"Is she alright?", he asked but I just looked at him and I'm sure he got the memo 'cause he rushed to her room.

Minutes past and there was silence. An hour clocked, still silent and I was pacing up and down then I heard a knock. I opened the door and there was Seth in all his glory standing before me wearing a black shirt - showcasing his muscles - and dark blue jeans but mahhnn he gave simple clothes some sort of sexy meaning, and his hair a little messy but beautiful, his plumb lips, high cheek bones and his eyes - I never noticed his eyes were a mixture of blue and grey. Then he cleared his throat and reality slapped me hard 'cause I was checking him out openly.

Really, miss Williams, now ma'fucker Seth is going to be a total asshole. Ohh shut it.

" Hel-", he cut me off and I mentally pinched myself because I forgot that he was an asshole.

I told you.

"Where is Jonath-", he was cut off by a loud smash and I ran to Cass' room with Seth behind me.

I went right in and found Cass' dressing mirror damaged and pieces of glass scattered. Cass was in the corner, with her knees brought to her chest and crying in her hands whilst Jonathan was seated on the ground at the feet of the bed just staring at the ceiling. I just stood looking until Seth whispered in my ear.

" Take Cassandra in another room and I will be with him", he said and I nodded my head.

I reached where Cass was, she looked up and I helped her up and we passed Jonathan who looked our way with red eyes. We went in my room and she went straight on my bed. She cried quietly and I walked out to get a bottle of water for her.

On my way to my room, I saw Jonathan and he walked up to me.

"Where is she?!", he shouted. And that ticked me off.

" Jonat-", he cut me off.

"Where is SHE!!??", he shouted and took a step forward.

" Jonathan, I get that you are upset but be considerate and solve th-", I was cut off by Seth. Ooooh I was definitely going to lose it.

"Just fucking tell him wher-", it was my turn to cut him off.

" YOU, SHUT UP!!!", I shouted 'cause this was making me super mad.

"I'm here", Cass said or rather she whispered and everyone was quiet.

Jonathan walked towards her, and he held Cass' hands.

" Can I see her?". He asked her like he was handling a bubble and in my head I'm like 'why was he yelling if he was going to be this gentle'.

Cass looked up at him like she was asking him if he was sure. Shortly after she nodded her head, they both went in my room leaving me with Seth. I walked passed Seth to go in the kitchen so I can clean Cass' room. I'm a great friend y'all.

I got what I wanted but when I turned around, I hit in to a hard wall and it was none other than, Seth. I walked away but he held my wrist and made me face him.

"You watch your mouth when you are talking to me", he said through gritted teeth.

"I talk to you the way you talk to me. Now, let me go", I said through gritted teeth.

" I've never hit a girl in my life and you will be my first", he told me and let go of my hand in full force.

"I would love to see you do that", I told him whilst laughing and walking away but when I reached the door I looked over my shoulder and told him, "Fuck you. Seth Jones".

I went straight to Cass' room and cleaned up. I made sure the floor was glass free, so when I was done, I went to throw away the dirt in the trashcan. I went back in the apartment and found Cass and Jonathan smooching which was a good sign. I cleared my throat and they pulled away.

" Can you come with us, tomorrow?", Cass asked exuberantly.



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