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She stared at me like I'd gone too far off the railing.

And after a few minutes or so, she snapped back to reality and I could clearly see that she was trying to mentally deny that my plan was for real. She snapped.

" Ha! I knew you were a good humorist but isn't this taking it too far?" she looked at me, practically begging me to say it was a joke, her head tilted as if to slide all the words out of her mind.

But I told her the opposite of what she wanted.

With the most serious look I could think of in my possession, interlacing my fingers and placing my chin on top of my thumbs, I said in a low voice, " No, I ain't joking"

Don't laugh, Jason

She was so shocked that she left her mouth unhinged and dangling for a few seconds, only to cover it up with a gasp after some time.

Aria didn't fill the insides?

She then shook me vigorously which made my stomach go on a rollercoaster with churns and yet I stood as calm as I could as I replied.

Don't throw up...you're better than that. You've been through worse, Kytte. Don't throw up.

" I'm not gonna lose again. If worse comes to worst, I will take it upon myself to save this world and this is the worst condition and as I told you, I have taken it upon myself to save you lot. Even at the cost of my invaluable life" I said, my voice firm and my head held high.

Don't laugh now, or the effect will be ruined. Maintain that look!

She gaped at me yet another time and understood there was no making me change my freaking mind and she said with a sniff, " Alright. But how will you be able to live with yourself if you fail?"

" I won't be alive to know that if that happens."

And the next moment, she slapped my across the face with a yell.

" You dare throw away you life like that?! And what does that make us!? UNWORTHY OF YOUR LOVE? Don't you dare say you're gonna let your life off as if you mean nothing!" She let out all her pent up feeling as she slammed me in a hug before I even had the nerve to sense the pain on my face.

" Idiot... "

" About that, I am planning on not failing". I laughed, her metal body squishing me in between.

Thank goodness Ms.Aurora. if you didn't do that, I'd be dead by now.

" If what I planned is precise, we can use STEM cells to reproduce the brain cells, if we have any casualties of my crazy plan. Which won't be avoidable but it can be prevented for most of them."

She just tightened the grip between us and looked at me suspiciously, her face inches away from me. Her electric eyes dug into my soul as I placed my forehead on her's as I made a statement.

" You. Are. My. Family. I will do the utmost of my prowess to make sure you aren't harmed while I'm around. I promise that no matter what happens, I will embrace and embarrass  you."

Unless I'm dead.

" And how do you expect me to believe that they will all lose their memories?"  She laid herself on me as she relaxed herself, not caring about poor old me, getting crushed under her weight.

I told her about how my memories are still fuzzy and how I recollected each of the fragments I held then.

The sun was setting while I finished my autobiography.

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