A Clue Left Behind

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They left the room and began to leave the station. "So tell me. How did you end up here?" Edward asked her. "First tell me why you have that look. On second thought, never mind. Just keep it. Maybe dye your hair red though." She said. "Why would I do that?" He asked. "Just a thought." She replied. "After I left from you with Jim to find the bombs that Jeremiah Valeska planted, I went back to Penguin." She explained as they left the GCPD building. "Then there was a big fight and I got shot. I was in the hospital, got stitched up and left, then Harvey Bullock found me and took me into their Haven. I've stuck around here since." She said. "Wow. Why?" Edward asked. "Got nothing better to do?" She replied. "I haven't even seen Zsasz or found him yet." She said. "But you're pursuing your old lover." Edward said. "Why?" Lucius asked. "Well, I don't know. So I can get back together with him or punch him in his face. I don't know what my feelings will be." She said. "I'd punch him." Lucius said. They re-entered the old burnt Haven. "Geez." Eliza said. "I know." Lucius responded. Edward was careful of where he stepped. They entered the room and he began to analyze the area. Eliza looked around as Lucius and Edward talked. Then Edward looked at Eliza who was looking at him with her left eyebrow raised. "Oh you poor thing. Can't figure this out?" He asked. He looked to Lucius. "She's cute." He said and pointed back at Eliza with his thumb and examined the exploded area. Lucius walked in further and noted a piece of glass inside. "That's Impossible." Edward said. "If that thing blew, the glass would be all over outside." He said. "So something triggered it by going through from outside." They concluded. Eliza, Lucius and Edward looked at the window. "An RPG." She said. They looked at her. "Excuse me?" Edward asked her. "An RPG. I saw the same kind of thing take down the Wayne Helicopter." She said and looked to Edward. He grinned. "I am so glad we brought you along! Come on! Let's find that rooftop!" He said and took her hand then hurried out with her. They hurried and hopped over debris and went outside. She gripped her gun and went out onto the area she was thrown during the explosion and turned around. Looking up at the window. Then Edward turned around. She turned to look at the windows and rooftop of the building across. "Had to come from there." He said. "The killer might still be in there. Or could be gone." She said. "Well. With your skills, I don't think they'll last long after you find them." He said. She looked to him roguish. "Oh....that's the look." He said. Lucius came outside. "I just got off the phone with Jim. He thought Zsasz was the bomber. I notified him he needs a new suspect. Eliza slowly moved her head to view Lucius from behind Edward. Her expression changing to darkly.
"Uh oh." Edward said and looked back at Lucius. "What'd I...oh." He said. "He's at...the station?" She asked. "Well....now he is." He said. "Wait wait wait!" Edward said. Halting Eliza as she stepped towards the GCPD building. "We need you. We need you for the killer. To get...the killer." He reminded her. She was torn. Pursue Zsasz, or help the GCPD.

She huffed angrily then turned and walked on towards a yard. Edward looked back at Lucius, expressing he didn't have to mention him. Then followed Eliza. Lucius followed them. "I know how much it means to you, but this means more. So, thank you." Edward said. "Shut up." She said. "Yep. Got it." Edward replied. They walked through the yard and to a building then entered it. Making their way upstairs she went first. Gun aimed. "If they're still here they're lazy. Took a shot at a building full of cops? And not one Detective come search? Yeah right. They'd have most likely taken off by now if they don't have a death wish." She said. "Very optimistic. And also, you've picked up on things. Hanging out with Jim." Edward said. They made it to the rooftop and walked along it to the edge. "Yep. This is where the shot was taken." Lucius said. Eliza aimed with her gun. Checking the trajectory to be right. As Edward said it was. She lowered her gun and Lucius pointed out the RPG case and went to it. He advised it could be a clue as to who done it. "Someone do this and not wearing gloves?" Edward asked. "It's our only lead for now. Have to try something." Lucius said. "Well, I hope I'm wrong." Edward said then turned to Eliza. "And I hope you end him." He told her. "Aawww." She said and took his cheeks in her fingers, giving them a squeeze. "I will shoot his kneecaps and torture him just for you Eddie." She said in a baby voice. He cracked a smile and she let go of his face. He tapped her nose then turned to Lucius. "Eliza, give him the file." He commanded. Eliza took the file out from the back of her pants and gave it to Edward. "I'm glad you helped us solve this." He told Edward. Edward still smiled. "Good luck with that." Eliza told him and headed to the door, putting her gun across her back. Lucius followed her as they headed down. They hurried back to the GCPD building and went inside.

Once inside, she looked to Lucius. "Continue with that case. Let me know if you got a print. I want first dibs on that guy. I'm off to find Zsasz." She said. "Okay." Lucius responded. She hurried off. "Hope she doesn't kill him." He said as he left with the RPG case. She scouted around the entire GCPD Building inside. "What are you looking for?" An officer asked her. She looked to him. "Victor Zsasz." She said. "They took him to City Hall to be on trial. Bastard's probably dead by now for that bombing." He said. She took his glock and put it to his forehead as she pinned him to a desk top. The two other officers had their guns out. "DEAD?! ...DEAD?!" She repeated, expressing she's pained by the statement. "He...killed...all those people." He said. "He didn't do it!!" She yelled at him. "Hey, HEY!" Lucius shouted. The gun began to tremble in her hand and she dropped it and released him. "I should arrest you." The cop told her. She took her gun off and dropped it onto the floor then walked to the empty cells and inside then pulled the door shut. Lucius turned and left from sight. She sat down on the bench and buried her face in her hands. Three hours passed and Jim and Harvey walked in. They headed straight to the holding cells and opened the door. Jim walked in first. They looked at Eliza, slouched on the bench with her back against the bars. Eyes downcast. "Aaww. Look at her. Should we tell her?" Harvey said. "I'll tell her." Jim said. "Hey. Victor's alive." Jim said. Her eyes directed to him immediately. She stood and faced him. "You said you wouldn't lie to me again." She told him. "And I've stood by that. He is, alive." He said. "I would know. I saved his life." Harvey said. She turned to Harvey. "I knew if he was dead, and I let it happen you'd kill me." He said. She grabbed his jacket and pulled him into a hard kiss then let him go. Her eyes became beatific. "We took him from Penguin who was going to kill him and released him." Jim said. "You let him go? Out there? Without me?" She asked. "Didn't think of picking you up first, princess. I'm sorry." Harvey apologized.

She pointed at them both. "You, owe me. And don't ever do anything with Zsasz without me again." She said and walked out. Jim followed her then Harvey did. "Penguin had him. You would've been seen by him. And if you would've went on a rogue rescue mission which I know you would have done, you'd have either ended up dead or, on Penguin's hit list." Jim said. "Where is Zsasz now?" She asked. "We let him off by forty fifth. But he could get to anywhere by now." He told her. "Well, he knows I'm alive. And he knows I'm here." She said and took her gun then turned back to them. "Did he say anything about me?" She asked. ".....No." Harvey answered. "Did he really, not say anything about me at all?" She asked. "Maybe he thinks you're out there ruling some part of this city." Jim said. "You are the type." He added. She sighed. "I just hope he's been searching for me as much as I've been searching for him." She said. "Well, I've got business to take care of." Jim said and headed upstairs to his office. "Why are you hunting for Zsasz so hard?" Harvey asked her. "I love him." She answered. "And I miss him." She added. "Well, he did say he'll see us again." Harvey informed her. She smiled a bit and leaned on a desk.

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