Chapter five

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I panic. He isn't wearing a helmet. "What do we do?"

"Call in for a missing vehicle?" Someone suggest but I zone out. My thoughts everywhere.

More people are trying to help, Michael and I take a mini van to see if we can find him.

We assume a direction and take it.

"Do you think he stopped somewhere?" Michael ask.

"We can check at his house." I say.

We go to Luke's house but he isn't there.

"I have no idea where he can be." My voice is weak.

We pull onto the highway assuming he's trying to get far away from us.

I hear sirens in the distance, Three cops cars and two ambulance cars quickly pass us. Their piercing sirens shrieking and they pass cars.

I assume the worst for everything, "What if;"

"It's probably not him." Michael says.

"Promise?" I say. I need some sort of comfort right now.

"I- " He says but his phone rings.

"Hello?. . . Yes. . . My motorcycle was stolen. . . Well I knew the guy. . . Fuck. . . What's the condition?. . . Shit. . . Okay. . . I'll be there. . . " He hangs up.

"What happened?" I ask. I can take a guess and probably be right..

"Luke was um, He got into a accident. And they won't tell me if he's okay or not but it happened not to far from here." Michael glances at me.

I knew it, It's all of my fault.

I'm numb. Luckily I'm not driving.

"Please be okay." I beg out loud. My eyes burn with tears.

We get into some traffic, I can see the lights of the police cruisers stopped not to far ahead, Cops are telling people to take another route but Michael and I keep driving going past the cop. The cop chases the car, I'm not even sure who's car this is?

Before the van comes to a complete stop I jump out. Caution tape is surrounding the scene but I can't see anything.

I go under it, cops trying to stop me.

I see Michael's motorcycle. Completely destroyed.

I see a Dodge Truck, The front of it smashed in. A man is being put into hand cuffs. But where's Luke?

I walk closer to the scene, I see Luke's body on the ground. People surrounding him. He has a breathing mask over his face, His face covered in scratches and bruised, They give him CPR. Pushing down on his chest.

"Oh my god," I cry.


A guy puts his ear to Luke's chest then feels his neck pulse.

"Shallow breathing. His pulse is faint." He narrates.

"What's his pattern?" They ask.

"No response." They yell.

I run over to him.

"Luke!" I yell but a cop holds be back.

"That's my best friend!" I yell.

There's some people watching from outside the caution tape.

"Sorry Miss." He apologizes.

"Please!" I'm full on sobbing.

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