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JULY 14TH, 2016

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JULY 14TH, 2016.

It had been two years since the incident on Blackwood Mountain, since the incident with Beth and Hannah Washington. The years that had passed weren't easy, they weren't easy for anyone after that incident. Josh had taken it the worst over the years, after the incident, things kind of... fell apart. Josh had been trapped in the mines after everything for months, he wasn't sure what to do while he was trapped. He had been starving, he didn't have any other choice. Against his better judgement, Josh had eaten the remains of the corpse of The Stranger, of course - it came with side effects, consequences. Josh Washington was becoming a Wendigo himself, when he was found by the police days later - he lashed out, he tried to attack them, tried to feast on the people who only wanted to aid him. Though, they were able to restrain him and get him out of the mines - Josh was worse for wear. The left side of his face was... monstrous. His normally jade shaded eyes had dulled, his left eye becoming a milky white as his flesh had torn to reveal sharp rows of teeth lining the left side of his jaw.

Was there hope for him at this rate?

Josh was currently sitting in his doctor's office, he went through a reconstructionive facial surgery to remove the sharpened teeth he once adorned, his eye had healed over time slowly. It was difficult for Josh to ween himself from the constant burn inside him to return to his sickening diet. Of course, he fought it, he wasn't letting himself slip back to becoming that... THING. When the doctor had finished checking over Josh, ensuring his scars were healing alright and double checking his mental state - The brunette was on his own again, making his way back towards his house.

With his hood drawn up, Josh walked down the sidewalk, easily blending between people as he slid by them. He didn't really want anyone noticing him, but that changed. He jolted when he heard someone call his name questioningly, taken back when he was suddenly hugged - his hood falling to reveal his scarred face as he gave a small chuckle.

"It hasn't been that long since we last seen each other, you couldn't just wait?" Josh teased, releasing a quiet sigh. "Look, I wasn't expecting to run into you, at all. I look like shit after... y'know."

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