Chapter 6: Breathing not Alive

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Naruto ended up waking up late, it was 12:57 PM which meant he only had around two more hours of school left, what was the point in going? He got up slowly because of the aches he could feel throughout his body. He slowly made his way to the bathroom, staring at his reflection in disgust. Quickly, he washed his face off, scrunching his face at the feeling of cold water sliding over the fresh wounds from the night before. He shook off the water and grabbed a nearby towel wiping his face then switching off the light. He could at least make it work since it was in a few hours, so he cleaned up his mess from last night and got dressed. He decided he would go out for some fast food this time and some fresh air.

He went to a nearby market place, a small one. And headed down to his favorite noodle shop, "Oi, some Beef noodles please, something simple." Naruto hung he head down, he would have ordered more but he was limited on cash. Naruto waited for his food when a body sat next to him. Naruto ignored this as his order was done and handed to him. He was too much in a bad mood to gulp this down like he usually does, he ate slowly and felt a tap on his shoulder but ignored it. When he felt another tap he looked over to the body that previously sat next to him

"What." He growled and when he turned saw the long black hair he was getting used to these past days.

"That was a harsher greeting than expected.. so Naruto-Kun?" Naruto turned his body more to his classmate "I'm sorry.." he mumbled and looked away from the older Uchiha.

Itachi smirked to the blonde and took a bite of the last of his dangos. The blonde gave a weak smile, What was the Itachi doing here, the blonde thought. Naruto rolled his sleeve a little to reveal a small fox-shaped watch, a small fox on the hour hand and a tiny white rabbit on the minute hand. There were 30 minutes of school left, Naruto glanced back to the Raven but before Naruto could question him Itachi spoke up

"You weren't at school Naruto-Kun," how had he known if he wasn't either? Or had he gone and simply left early?

"Oh yea? And why are you here, hmm?" Itachi raised an eyebrow to this "I have this period off, and you?"

Naruto furrowed his brows to this "Well.. I just didn't feel like going.." Itachi responded a 'hn' and looked down to his empty plate.

"Would you like to go on a walk with me Naruto-Kun?" The Blonde tilted his head but nodded. What did This Raven want? What was his intent? So far he wasn't like his brother but... Naruto nodded in agreement. The two got up from the stand and walked through the small market. Itachi occasionally asked questions but it was Naruto who talked more out of the two. They walked to a park, the leaves were already falling from their trees, scattering on the ground, Naruto enjoyed the crunch sound they made when he and Itachi stepped on them. The blonde enjoyed being around this Raven, he didn't understand why. Naruto looked up to Itachi, his dark brown-black hair, it laced around his porcelain face, neatly fit into a low ponytail. His clothes fit him well, he looked down his eye stopped at his chest, was he checking out Itachi? But even more, he was checking out a guy! That wasn't right! He didn't need this! No, he won't think this! Never!

 Naruto quickly snapped his eyes away as Itachi turned to him. A small blush elapsed on his face and he looked down. Itachi noticed this, he didn't want to cause the boy too much discomfort, he seemed to be already having a bad day.

"Let me walk you home Naru-kun" the blonde was unsure of this. But he saw how late it was getting and the boy was honestly scared to be walking on his own, he always was, constantly worrying when he would have to brace himself, with the luck he was having he accepted the offer.

The walk to his house was quiet, Naruto was worried about what Itachi would think of the place. He never put much work into his apartment, just enough to make it livable. They arrived at the building doors, Naruto watched The Raven eye it, he had a worried look "Is.. this really safe?" Naruto shifted his shoulders and looked down, his face lifted back up with a smile "It's safer than the streets haha.." Itachi gave 'Hn' Naruto was getting tired of those.

"Well, I guess I'll see you at school then?" Itachi, who was still scanning the apartment building, answered with a nod, Naruto turned to leave. His hand met the doorknob when he felt a hand on his shoulder, this caused him to turn. When he did, The Raven was right in front of him, Naruto's eyes met his chest, he moved them to face up, which caught him in The Uchiha's black gaze, a blush crept onto the Blondes sun-kissed skin.

"Naru-Kun?" Itachi said in a lower voice than usual causing Naruto's blush to deepen. "Y-yes?" The Blonde began to sink into his shoulders and back into the door behind him trying to create a breathable gap between the two. "What was so bad.. That it made you not want to come to school?" The Raven tilted his head, curiosity mixed with worry over cane his cold onyx gaze. Naruto's usual gaze turned dull, his bright sapphires lost their shine. He gulped and breathed in deeply just to let out as much.

"I was just tired was all... really.. tired," his voice slowly fell into a mumble as he finished his words. Quickly turning around to push through the building's door. That question brought something he didn't want to remember, he needed to leave soon he couldn't stop his eyes from swelling up with tears.

There the Blonde left his Raven friend alone. He stared in shock at the boy's reaction to a simple question, though he wouldn't let the shock show. Itachi just walked home. He went over different plans in his head, he does it all the time. One, in particular, he wishes to accomplish tonight. He wanted to give a kind gesture to his new friend. Itachi arrived home, the first place he headed was his room, he grabbed a notebook and drew out the schematics of the plan. It was a plan and simple tiny stuffed Fox. He assumed the boy liked them judging by the watch he saw the boy wear today. The Eldest Raven got up to fetch his mother's sewing tools. As a kid, he decided it was best to learn from both parents rather than just one. Itachi started his work...

Almost finished he pulled out a small stone.. one to match the boy's eyes if not a tad lighter blue. He wrapped it around the animal's neck multiple times till it fit right.

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