Chapter 8: Problematic

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By the time Naruto got home, he was already late for work. He couldn't go in like this anyways, Naruto limped himself over to his bed. Collapsing onto it, his breathes were weak and shallow. The only thing that came to mind was Itachi's gift, why was that so important? He didn't mind though, it kept is mind distracted.

The next morning Naruto really didn't want to go to school, but he forced himself up. The Blonde woke up a few minutes before his alarm. He stared at himself in the mirror, his cheeks still slightly swollen, one of them was even a light shade of purple. He lifted his chin examining the darker bruise around his neck, seeing this he had to check, Naruto lifted his shirt up, a large bruise on his abdomen from Duck butts knee, he turned a little and there was another darker bruise on his rib cage. Naruto sighed deeply, then went to get dressed, he was slower from his aches. Naruto got to school, he kept his face hidden. The Blonde made it to Art class unseen by anyone, but he worried, the Raven there paid more attention than others.

Naruto got to class, he laid his head down, his hood on. He hoped his Raven friend wasn't there, but he was sure he probably was. He felt a presence next to him, soon a voice as well, it was Itachi's of course, still silky and smooth. "Naruto?" The Blonde tried not to acknowledge him. He ignored Itachi most the class, waiting for the bell to ring. He waited a minute or two to get up and leave, assuming everyone in class went to lunch. Naruto lifted his head to see Itachi still sitting next to him

"I-itachi.. w...what?" His friend looked over.. something frightening arose in his eyes. Naruto tried to hide but the Raven grabbed him by his wrist, a pain passed through the Blonde as the Raven stared into Naruto's dulled out sapphires. It was quiet as the Older boy scanned over Naruto, who was slightly shaking. Itachi let go of him,

"W-why aren't you at lunch?" Naruto said quietly.

The Raven let out a deep sigh "I wanted to talk, see what was wrong.." a slight change appeared in Itachi's tone, almost sad like tone could be heard.

Naruto hung his head down, "I'm sorry Ita-" The Raven cut him off telling him there was no need for an apology. Itachi removed Naruto's hood to get a better look, placing his hand on Naruto's cheek. Naruto's heartbeat fastened, a red tone embarked across his face to the touch. It was so gentle.. so nice, The blonde enjoyed the touch, a slightly sad smile was on his face. Naruto dazed off, his breath became shallow as if he was put to sleep by the Raven.

"Naru-Kun?" He heard the silky voice once more which interrupted his daze "yes!" He yelped when he felt the sudden touch on his bruised neck, "Who did this?" Itachi's glare became almost deadly Naruto had to look away.

"Well if you aren't going to tell me then I guess I'll just have to make sure it doesn't happen again." This remark made Naruto's eyes widen, he was shocked to the lengths this Raven was trying to go.. just so that he could find out who was hurting him. A warm feeling swelled inside Naruto's stomach, it was a nice, to feel as though someone cared. Without thinking twice Naruto wrapped his arms over Itachi's shoulders, his face was nuzzled into the Raven's neck. The smell was nice, it was clean with a hint of mint to it. Naruto soon realized the boundary he must have crossed, no one dared touch an Uchiha and he had gone as far as to hug one. The blonde was aware of his lack of thinking but this took the cake. Just as Naruto was going to move away and apologize, he felt arms wrap tightly around his waist in return, Itachi stood up, bringing the Blonde with him, he had to tippy toe because of the height difference. The warmth of Itachi's embrace tempted Naruto to snuggle into the Raven but he kept himself in line. Finally, the hug ended, Naruto shrunk his head into his shoulders a large blush plastered on "Sorry 'Tachi" Itachi simply gave a small smile and ruffled the Blondes hair.


Naruto couldn't stop thinking about what happened in art class, or at least the way Itachi reacted. He hadn't rejected the Blonde. Naruto was oddly pleased with the thought of Itachi accepting him, Naruto sat the staring at the clock, thinking about the Uchiha.

Ding Ding!

That was the bell, Naruto packed up all his stuff, he waited for the crowd as usual. As he left he heard crackle noise and turned to see the Uchiha he dreaded "S-sasuke!" How did the Duck butt know his last class, Naruto backed away.

"Don't say my name trash, you aren't worthy." Naruto continued to back away until he slammed into a body behind him, he turned his head to another Uchiha "Itachi!" Two Uchiha's at once, one was enough Naruto thought. Did Itachi have the same intent as his brother? No, he couldn't have, he was better than that. For the first time in a while, Naruto believed in the good in someone. The Raven draped his arm over Naruto's shoulder, smirking to his brother, " What's the problem Otouto?" Sasuke stopped where he was, his face twisting more than it already was. "Itachi, what are you doing here?" the younger Uchiha glaring harshly at the Blonde under his brother's arm. Naruto hid further into Itachi's arm, not caring for personal space at the moment. "Hn. I'm here to help a friend" that word 'friend' stung at Naruto's heart. Sasuke looked at Naruto then back to his brother

"Nii-san why are you friends with this... queer?" Sasuke's word always shot at Naruto like venom. Naruto looked away from the angry snake, "hn" was all Itachi said as he pulled Naruto further into him to create a bigger distance from his brother.

"Go home Sasuke, I need to stay after." Sasuke snarled out a "tch" and walked towards the exit. Itachi watched him leave, holding tightly onto Naruto. The blonde looked up to his once again savior, his blush already forming, curse this man. "Naru-Kun.. is that why you won't tell me?" The blonde struggled to get out of Itachi's grip, he wanted to run away, he didn't want to talk about this. Itachi held Naruto's head in place with his hand, then he rested his forehead on Naruto's. The blonde couldn't believe how close Itachi was, his heart was beating so fast it made it hard to breathe.

"It's okay Naru-Kun, you don't have to speak, I can see, you're scared of him." Itachi closed his eyes and sighed deeply. " I'm going to take you home alright?" Naruto nodded.

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