Chapter 7: Fox boy

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Beep beep beep!

The blonde flashed awake, he looked at his alarm 5 o'clock sharp. The boy could feel his lazy body slank off his bed, onto his feet, his weight pressed against the cold ground. He was sluggish this morning, still didn't want to go to school but after his encounter with Itachi yesterday he felt as if maybe he should try anyway, despite knowing it'll just be like every day. Naruto went through his school morning routine, he made a quick cup of ramen and headed to school. He got to school earlier than usual, so the Blonde thought he might get to his locker and into class before the abusive Raven appeared.

When Naruto got to his locker, to his surprise he found a Raven indeed, but luckily not the one he was avoiding.

"Itachi?" The boy got closer to see what this Uchiha was up too, noticing he was at the Blondes locker, with the locker opened at that. The Raven turned quickly, his hands behind his back, a very very light shade of pink in his cheek, Naruto assumes because he had been caught.

"Itachi?.. what are you doing?" Naruto tried to hold back the thoughts suspicion, the Raven was quiet for a while, giving a light lick of his lips enough to pull the bottom in to chew on, his eyes staring at the floor, he spoke

"It was nothing bad I promise," he directed his eyes to Naruto who still had a confused look on his face. This, Itachi found adorable but he couldn't dwell on that for he owed his Blonde friend an explanation. Though he hoped to leave his nightly creation in the boy's locker as anonymous, it was because he saw the boys sadness, and hoped this would cheer him up. Itachi explained all that to Naruto, he revealed what he held behind his back, a small, couldn't be bigger than a handful, fluffy at the chest and tail, reddish orange with a softer orange on it Fox. Naruto stared at the gift, "Where did you get this?"

The design, Naruto had not seen it before "I made it last night," Itachi stated still waiting for Naruto to accept his gift. Naruto scooped the Fox out of Itachi's hand still staring at it. Finally, the Blonde spotted the crystal necklace around its neck, he looked up to Itachi with a raised eyebrow. Itachi just unwrapped the necklace and went behind Naruto. The Blonde stayed still, a bit freaked out when he realized how close Itachi was, as he saw a pale hand at each side of his face, connected by a thin silver chain. Itachi was putting the necklace on him when he finished a large blush flourished on Naruto's tan cheeks.

"Why?" Naruto couldn't understand why he was being so nice.. "you looked sad, but this isn't out of pity, call me selfish but you look much better happy," Naruto turned to Itachi who was still so close, Itachi's face had a small earnest smile on it. Naruto's heartbeat sped up at the sight of this.. to think someone actually wanted him happy. To think it was an Uchiha who wanted him happy.

Naruto was too distracted today to listen in class, but it wasn't like he really paid attention either way. Naruto sat in his desk, holding onto the stuffed fox, he hadn't realized but he had a smile on his face. He couldn't deny how happy this made him, he couldn't deny that there were existing feelings for the Raven. The Blonde gulped at the thought, soon enough his smile was wiped by his own damned thinking, what if Itachi doesn't feel the same? What if Sasuke finds out and gets mad? His nerves were flooding in him again, his breath was getting difficult to catch.









Naruto counted in his head to overpower his other ones. He refused to break down in this place. He stared at the toy fox again, he couldn't shake the happiness that small toy gave him. This.. this was a better feel than any other.

The bell just rang and Naruto walked through the silent halls. He always waits for the crowd of kids to leave before he heads out, he didn't like dealing with the crowd. Naruto threw his hood on, slipping his hands into his pocket. This day hadn't been too bad, but Naruto thought too soon on that. Something hooked onto his backpack, throwing him onto his back, he looked up to the body that hovered over his own, fear struck through his nerves and sped into his bloodstream, Sasuke.

This day was going so well.. why now?.. The Blonde braced as the Uchiha's fist met his face repeatedly. Naruto's head fell back onto his backpack, Sasuke got a few more punched in before he drilled his knee into the Blondes stomach, Naruto could feel the Uchiha was holding his weight on that knee, soon a pair of icy hands snaked their ways around his throat. Sasuke's thumbs dug into and pushed on Naruto's adam's apple, he coughed roughly. A permanent looking snarl was across the Uchiha's face. What had he done wrong? He felt Sasuke's hands tighten more making it almost impossible to breathe, he pulled Naruto's head up to slam it back down. Sasuke released on time before Naruto could pass out. He moved from the Blondes body, Kicking his ribs in a few times before completely leaving the limp body alone, "Keep your queer ass away from my brother, Damn piece of shit" with that he spat down to the Blondes body.

There Naruto laid in pain, he pulled his hand from his pocket, along with his foxy friend. Naruto on his side, stared at the toy, a small smile ripping into his swelling cheek. He let out a bloody cough avoiding to get any on his new friend. 

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