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"Don't leave
Don't ask why it has to be you
Just stay with me,"-Blackpink's stay

Woklama's pov:

"What?Woklama how?" Lisa asked nervously puzzled.

"I'm not kidding,based on my findings she's gon' die,"
I glumly said.

Lisa looked at the surroundings uneasily.
She take a deep breath...
I think she's trying not to cry

"Can you do something?" Lisa asked in an unsteady voice.

"No,but Jisoo can do something,"

"What can she do then?"

"The amnesia that Shi-ra put to her is to make her task harder," i said
"Yeah,her task is too fall in love,"

Lisa shook her head unbelievably

"Fall in love? Are you kidding?
Or you are just a fan of children's fantasy or maybe you overwatch Disney princess' cartoons," she said

Hah is she insulting me?

"It's not just as simple as falling in love,she needs to have a rapid heartbeat,and the cause of the heartbeat must be the love she felts,
Her love-rapid heartbeat is the only thing that can save her," i explained


"January to august the purple coating will coat her internal organs then september to december the purple coating will coat her physical appearance,and after this if there's no love therefore Jisoo will become a purple statue then she will be wrecked tramsforming into a purple dust,and I don't know what will Shi-ra do with those dust after that,there's a coating on her internal chest that is why she feels the pain,Shi-ra's hourglass manipulates it," i explained further.

"How about throwing the hourglass isn't it a solution?"Lisa asked

" No it isn't even effective, even if the hourglass is faraway it can still control her,and besides the hourglass is Jisoo's measurement,when the sands are all in the lower chamber then Kim Jisoo will... die,"i said trying hard to say the word die.

"What...No,why?"Lisa muttered

"Kim Jisoo must avoid heartbreaks,it will just fasten the spreading, so you guys make her happy as much as you can,and one more thing as the sands went on the lower chamber Shi-ra's control to Jisoo will be weaker,the hourglass is not just a time measurement it was also Shi-ra's micro-chip device,a spying device indeed." i added

"I should tell this to Jisoo," Lisa said and was supposed to go.

"No! If you tell Jisoo she'll just go depressed over her situation, it will fasten her death,you don't want it to happen don't you?"

Lisa paused.

"Yeah,but can I tell the others?"

I nodded

"Go ahead Lisa tell them,"

Jisoo's pov:

Our performances in the third day was still the same,Kiss and Make up,Stay,and Ddu du ddu du

And now we're in the plane going back to South Korea from exhausting days...

I also got a clear view to my situation
Jennie told me that the pain will spread further but she did not explain the cause of my pains,
What she said is it will just spread.

[Completed] Completely Innocent about Love(Taesoo)Where stories live. Discover now