Still With You❄

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"You can't come with him," It's dark side looking at me darkly.


"Are you out of your mind?
Just by a few words just by a few make love session? You're so easy to fool!" Dark side yelled.
"No he looks sincere, what he said he is different and I'm so sure that he won't hurt me this time," I reasoned out and dark side looks so frustrated.

"How sure? Just like how sure you are everytime he hurts you?!
Have you forget he is Kkaman and he is evil! And have you forget you get fooled repeatedly just to believe again?!" Dark side keeps yelling and she looks like she's gonna hurt me.

"But he said I succeeded in making him love me again---"
"What have he done to prove that?!" That one shuts me off.
"He kissed you?! He hug you?
He f*cked you?!"
"Dark side!" I chastised she's so blunt.
"It's true!" Her face went calm and cup my face and the feeling is weird again.

"Jisoo...listen to me, yes I am dark side but out of all people, I'm the one who knows the best for you, and remember that we are one remember that I care so much about you come on think first before anything else, I will recommend you to go to the park to think," She looks at me eyestraight and I nodded.
"Thankyou dark side," I hug her even if it is weird.
"It's okay, remember that I'm always at your side," She whispered and we faded and I'm on the park now sitting on the bench...I feel dark side inside me now and I suddenly went exhausted, each time she gets out I'm getting exhausted and weak.

The snow is falling evenly...the ground is almost covered and the branches of the leafless trees are filled with ice...What a romantic scene but it's not so good.

The tears poured out from my eyes, drooling down my cheeks,
I'm continuously drying them but they keep pouring.

"I know you will be here," I look beside me and saw Yoongi with a worried look on his face.

"Your mom said you are not there in your house and I know that you will be here I just know it," Yoongi dried up the tears in my cheeks.
"I'm okay," I smiled, that's me pretending that it's okay when it's not.
"Because you are Jisoo?" He asked and I just nodded looking away...I heard him sighed.
"You are still human, you got feelings, no matter what's your name, you will still get hurt, actually we are the one who hurt ourselves, we are stupid because we are human, stupidity is in our system," He chuckled and I give him a little smile.
There's silent and I'm forcing my tears so that they won't fall.

"I'm here for you, you can freely cry,shout, I'll understand," He said and pulled me into his chest and with that moment I can't help but cry.

Taehyung's POV:

"She will come with me, she believes me," I sang and I can't believe I'm smiling.
But what took her so long?
Does she got really lots of stuffs?
Or she have a surprise for me?

I smiled again.
"This time, I will never hurt you again, you fight for me, then I'll fight for you," I smiled.. Hmm where will we even go?
I don't know yet, but atleast she'll be here.

I keep thinking about her and until I didn't notice it's getting into an hour. Did she changed her mind? No it can't happen.
She will come, I sighed.
I started sensing her. The park near mogsorie? Why is she there?

I sighed and faded hiding on a tree when I'm there....I want to startle her, but I'm more startled.
He's with Yoongi and they are intimately hugging.
Is this the reason why?
Then why haven't she just told me? Is she having revenge because I hurt her? Why now?
I want to choke Yoongi but do I have the right? Maybe my first choice is let go because we won't made if our relationship is against everything.

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