Dead Leaves

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"I don't think we need the white paper," I said scrutinizing the book.

"Are you dumb? Of course we need that!" He yelled.
"Ssshhh," I placed a finger on his lips.. I'm slowly getting irritated does he need to yell everytime?
I gasped when he suddenly kiss me...

"Never dare to do that again if you don't want to get punish," He coldly said while I just blinked a multiple times...mesmerized.

" see...this book is a puzzle--"
"How can it be a puzzle---"
"Taehyung can you stop yelling?!" I'm the one who yelled this time and his face darkened.
"I have every right to yell because I'm the darkness--"
"Asset, and I'm also a chosen one we're the same here! The difference is you got your highest point and you even forget that you love me! And I even gave up everything for you...don't you know that?!" I pointed his chest preventing my voice from cracking. He caught my arm.

"I didn't told you to do what you're babbling and don't call me Taehyung again because I will punish you," he said in a stern cold voice.
"Punish?! Damn you! You're the one who needs my help here then you will just punish me?!" I answered bluntly.
"Huh I don't need your help you forced yourself to me and convince me to help you we got a deal and I comply just for the sake of the portal, you don't even matter," He mockingly said and that crushed me terribly, I'm here to be with him..buth he don't want me.

"Fine Solve that damn puzzle alone...the deal is over maybe it's time to set you free," I said and walk away.

No...he's not himself, return don't give up.
No self you're being foolish there's no more---

"You don't have the right to go," his face is dark and suddenly I'm lying on the floor while he's above heart beats fast.

"What? Let go of me--"
"A deal is a deal you can't leave Haessar,"
I frowned... I can't get him.
At first he said he don't need me but now...
"I don't care...I made that deal I have every right to break it,"
"NO!" he yelled eyes blinked a multiple times
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked puzzled.
"Just don't leave me..." He said and for the first time I sense emotions other than hate it's like sadness but I'm not so sure..he's hard to sense.

He suddenly fade and he's on the sofa now...I stood up

Just don't leave me...
It keeps replaying. I sat beside him and embraced him.

"Stop!" He coldly said again...
"Ssshhhh who said I will leave you? I love you right? I won't leave my taekachu, my blueberry and my winter bear," I said with a chuckle.
"Baby Noona stays," I said kissing his cheek.
"Stop that," He said coldly...he looks annoyed... But there's that edge on his voice... on his emotions...
"What? I'm just speaking..."My voice sounds teasing and innocent. I hug him tighter...
He breathes I have the same effects on him?
"You really want to get punish?"His voice is warning me.
"If that's what you want," I just said...
"Haessar..." He said and kiss me in which I responded...we kiss rough until he stop.

"I don't have the right to punish you, you said that.. "
" have I'm the one who made the deal I forced you,"I said.
"No I'm thinking about you,
If I will punish will hate me," He said biting my earlobe...making me pull his hair.

"You care about me?" I asked.
"No...I don't care about you," He suddenly faded and his cross sitting on the floor... denying?
Or being honest? I smiled.. I think he's not permanently evil... soon he will remember how he love me.

"Haessar fix the book,"he said and I faded appearing beside him...I sit on his lap.
" Get off me... "
He said a lot but I didn't obeyed till I notice his arms around my waist. I smiled. Am I winning?

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