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I was outside the principals' office, I heard they keep saying things about me; for God's sake! Haven't that bitch got something else to do?!

"I'm telling you Norma, that girl is pure trouble! She defies me in front of the class"

"Caroline, calm down; it wasn't the big deal. I don't see why are you coming to my husband's office to make a scandal" my lovely group head teacher said.

Almost everyone there was in my favor, since they knew my mother or uncle and seriously, I was one of the best students in school! Why does this teacher still wants to expel me?!

"Caroline, think what are you saying, she is one of the best students and..." Claudya said.

"Don't get into this, Claudya; you only protect her because she is your daughter's best friend and you are friends with her mother" oh, I just hate her, i wanted to scream to her to get in her own business.

"Caroline, Claudya is right, she have been the best student in my class for two years" my favorite teacher, Ms. Ivonne said.

They kept saying things and I just ignored them, I could have better things to do if I weren't sitting here, even if I was outside the office I could feel that the air is so thick in there that you could cut it with a butter knife. They were arguing about if I defy the school psychologist's or not. The teams were Caroline, Hilda and Karla vs. all my other teachers. I just chatted with my best friend about the homework. Then, I heard something that interested me.

"I'm telling you, she is going to be a trainer or a runner" I heard Mr. Humberto saying, it was the first time he talked.

"No, she will be only a soldier!" Caroline said.

My fifteenth birthday is in two months and the sorting will be in four. I always wished I wouldn't be sorted, but I knew I was, my brother was sorted as a spy and he died in a mission. One of my best friends, Matthew, was sorted last summer. He is in the Intelligence Department. My friends and I were going to be sorted the same day and we knew we were going to war.


"Hey!" I heard someone saying, I turned around to see one of my best friends, Louis outside the office.

"Hi" I answered him.

"Have they decided yet?" he pointed at the door.

"No, they keep arguing and Stella's mom almost slapped Caroline when she said that Stella shouldn't be getting along with me because I'm a bad influence, blah, blah, blah; you know, just like the slut she is"

"Yeah, I know, I hate her too, since she almost expelled Stella, Andy and me when we criticized Kay" I nodded, I knew almost everyone of us hated Caroline.

"They called my mom too, she is on her way now; though, she won't punish me. It's the third time Caroline calls her to tell her about my 'conduct'" I added, Louis rolled his eyes and sat next to me, I hugged him.

"Isn't Alex going to be jealous?" he asked me.

"I don't care about what he thinks, he is just a moron" I said putting my eyes in my shoes.

"Hallelujah , Rachel! Just about time for you to see it!" we both laughed.


We waited like half an hour for my mom to arrive and another hour for the teachers to come out the office.

"Rachel, first of al let me tell you that I hate you and that I'm glad I won't see you again" Caroline said.

Wait! What?! are they going to expel me? Why? I didn't do anything wrong!

"Don't worry Rachel, you are going to stay here, the one who's not is Caroline, she was fired minutes ago" Mr. Josh, my P.E. teacher told me.

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