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As we were planning to go to the park, my cellphone started ringing, the annoying bell-like sound filled the silence. I looked at the name who was calling. No, it was impossible, he should be in a training camp.

"Hello?" I said through the Apple device.

Yes, Apple still exists, and iPhones are still in shops, obviously the technology advanced and now the Apple phones can connect to any bracelet, necklace or earring for easier calls without any need to bring the device with you.

"Ray?" the voice asked.

"No, I'm her evil twin" I said sarcastic.

"Hey Ray" he said obviously noticing my sarcasm.

"I've missed you, Matt; but, how were you able to call?" I asked my friend.

"Oh, you know, I was never able to follow rules" he told me.

"Matthew, if they catch you, you'll be in so much trouble"

"I know, but I had to tell you something. And it's super important" his voice turned serious.

"Tell me"

"I was resorted Trainer, they found about me," he began saying, this wasn't good, "don't let anyone find out about you or Stella or any friend of yours that can do something" he said, and just after that, the call ended, with no chance to say goodbye to my fifteen year old friend.

I was staring to empty space, my phone slipped out of my hand and it crashed on the ground.

A million and one thoughts passed through my head. They discovered Matthew, what would stop them from finding me or Lyz or Stella or Karly? Of course, if they haven't discovered us yet?

If we learned to control ourselves, we could be able to live a normal life, we wouldn't be weapons nor spies or soldiers.

"Ray! Ray!" Lyz was shaking my shoulders.

"Sorry" I muttered

"Did it happened again?" my friend asked me with a voice soft as ocean spray.

"No, Matthew called me. We need to get Stella and Karly for me to tell you what happened" I told her and she nodded.

We, Stella, Lyz, Karly and I, were in my mother's car when I explained my friend's recent call. They all heard me with attention and as I told them what happened, I remembered the joy and happiness of hearing his voice. I also remembered my fear as he told me that he was discovered.

After I explained, the silence was so thick it could've been cut with a butter-knife, I could almost feel the confusion static that always was there when someone is shocked, confused or scared, sometimes it was there if someone was ashamed too.

"We'll talk about this later, now go with your friends," my mother said, "Rachel, remember you gotta arrive home before ten" mom told me as she gave me some money.

We arrived to the meeting place, Louis and Marcus were talking about something and Andy just looked at them with a bored face. Eugene was doing a creepy dance which involved moving his butt -dance which, I dare to say, I would've preferred not to see- and Mariana and Illia were probably talking about books and/or music.

We have all changed clothes, since we had P.E. today at school. Andy had jeans and a green blouse. Louis was wearing jeans and a blue tee. Mariana was wearing a sleeveless white blouse and jean shorts. Karly was wearing jean shorts and a pink tee. Stella had a pair of cool printed leggings and a purple blouse. Elyzabeth was wearing white jeans and a blouse printed with a ballerina. Then, there was Eugene, Illia and me, we were wearing almost the same; the three of us had black jeans and black leather jackets, I was wearing a grayish-greenish blouse with a skull design, Illia was wearing a really old blouse -like the ones you could only buy on a 'old stuff shop'- the blouse said 'Nirvana' which was an old rock band, Eugene had a black shirt.

Lyz elbowed my ribs letting me know that I did it again. I nodded and snapped out of my mind.

We salute our friends and sat with them. Like fifty feet away, Amy and her group of friends were hanging, we waved towards them, they waved back but stayed away from us.

Lyz sat next to Eugene and me. I heard Andy and Louis argue about something which I didn't understand since the topic have already started when we arrived.

I closed my eyes and looked at some memories, I saw myself as ten years old; Stella and I were walking in the halls in fourth grade, oh my God! we were so little!

My thoughts floated until they reached a very old memory, I was four and it was my first day at my school. I looked at a blonde girl, she was holding hands with a woman with a huge belly and a man who was carrying a two year old baby girl. When my mom and her parents went, we were left in the classroom with our teacher, Ms. Ethel.

"I'm Lizzy" she said in a soft voice.

"The name's Rachel" I told her.

Then, I did something I hadn't done before, I reached someone's mind, it was Lyz's. It had beautiful soft colors and violin music around. She was thinking about the boy she had a crush on.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a smiley Lyz and a worried Stella and a worried Karly.

The others were walking around and my three friends and I were sitting around a table.

"Rachel, what the hell happened a few minutes ago?!" Karly exclaimed.

"Dunno I just closed my eyes some memories floated and I saw them. Then, I reached Elyzabeth's mind" I told them as if it was normal.

"What?! how did you do that? the only one who can reach minds other than hers is Lyz" Stella was worried.

"I know" I said.

"maybe we can expand what we can do" Lyz said. It was a possibility but we needed to know for sure.

I started to feel a shiver on my back, and I think Lyz and Stella felt them too.

"Karly!" we all shouted, we knew it was her.

"Sorry, I'm worried" she said and we all nodded.

We separated to call our parents to tell them that we were staying in Stella's house since her mother have studied our capacities for years. My mother was okay with it.

I sat in a bench and tried not to think much since I didn't want a scene here at the park, so I tried to catch the flowers' essence and nature. It was something I was good at.

Someone sat next to me, it was a guy from school. He had brown hair and warm chocolate eyes; he was kind of cute, but what I liked more about him is his smile and his personality, he's like, very funny but not the type of funny guy you end up telling him to shut up.

"Hey" he said making me snap out of my own mind.

"Oh, hi. Eliah, right?" I asked him.

"Yup, Eliah Orbs" he said, "so you think I'm kind of cute?" wait what?! how did he heard me?

"I don't know what you're talking about, Eliah. I never said that. I should go" I tried to get up but he took my arm and made me sit again.

"You thought it" he said touching his forehead with index finger, "I am like you and Lyz" I was in shock, we proved that the only one with capacities were the four of us.

"Yeah, I was really careful" he knew what I was thinking again.

"You've gotta be more discrete! You want them to know about us?!" I muttered-shouted.

"Please, Ray. You've gotta help me to control this" he pleaded.

"Okay, okay I'll help you," I took a little paper and write Stella's address and give it to him, "go to this place around ten" and with that, I returned with my friends.

I walked to where Lyz and Karly were talking, I waved towards my friends and they waved back, they had smiles in their faces but they dissolved and I didn't know why. Suddenly a high pitched sound filled my ears. I tried covering them but it wouldn't function, I saw Karly do the same and Lyz ran towards her, who was next to her. I heard someone scream my name and holding me before I collapsed.

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