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I woke up with a horrible headache. I was in a bed with a green comforter. A boy with brown hair was sleeping in a chair next to the bed and there was a girl with brown hair and long eye lashes sleeping in the couch, she had a bag of ice in her forehead; I noticed that there was an ice bag besides me too.

I stood up from the comfortable, fluffy bed. I looked at myself, I was only wearing a sweatshirt, it was like six sizes bigger so it covered me until almost my knee, I looked at the girl sleeping, she was wearing the same as I was but hers was green and mine was white.

As I could, I walked to where I presume is the bathroom. I entered to the room with white and blue tiles. It had a wall-length mirror besides the shower. I looked at myself, my dark brown hair was a mess full of knots and my hazel eyes looked tired. I looked as if I just went out of a crazy party that lasted all night, but I was sure I didn't attend to any party.

I took off my sweatshirt and my pink underwear. I entered to the shower and turn the hot water on. As the time the water touched my body, I felt as if all my problems went away and that I could stay there forever but I knew I couldn't. I took some shampoo and soap. In fifteen minutes, I was clean but I decided to stay another fifteen minutes under the hot water.

I sat on the shower's floor though it wasn't the cleanest thing to do but I didn't care, I just let the water do its job and wet my body. I just stayed there, staring at the shower wall.

After what I thought were fifteen minutes, I got myself dry and put on the clothes I was using half an hour ago. I looked at myself in the mirror once again, my hair looked black because of the water! but now it wasn't that messy; my eyes didn't looked tired anymore, they looked awake and alert. The green parts of my eyes were more visible than ever; it was weird, my eyes usually had more brown than green but now they were greener.

I got out from that hot room in nothing more than a big sweatshirt. There was no one around.

I walked down the staircase and I heard noise in the kitchen so I walked towards there. I entered and found a boy in sweatpants and... shirtless.

The muscles he had in his back were marked, he should exercise somehow. He hadn't seen me yet, but I'd have to show myself if I wanted to know what happened with me and why my mind was like erased or something like that.

I cleared my throat and he turned around. Then, his name came to my mind. Eliah. I looked at him, he had an impressive body, almost all his muscles were marked. All of him was impressive; I've never seen him with such detail, I could see that the outline of his iris was darker than the inner part, which was like light chocolate brown. He also had dimples in his cheeks, which made him look even more sexy.

Wait! Did I said he looked sexy? Snap out of it Rachel! I reprimanded myself.

"Well thank you, Towers" he said.

"For what?" I asked him, it was the first time I talked since I woke.

"For thinking that I'm sexy"

Wait! What?! I didn't say it out loud. Did I? No, I'm sure I didn't.

"How did you know that?" I asked him.

"I can read your mind, remember?" he said.

"No, I can't. Not until I saw your face I remembered your name" I said.

"Oh God! please tell me I wasn't the first person you saw since you woke" he said.

"Actually, you were. Why?" I asked Eliah confused.

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